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Author's Note: There is violence in this chapter. Please skip if you are underaged or easily triggered. If you are going to read on, I strongly advise that you proceed with caution. 🔞🔞🔞


Jin groaned as he regained consciousness. He tried to open his eyes but they were swollen shut. Nonetheless, he persevered and managed to get them open so he could look around him. The first thing he noticed was that he was alone. Jimin was nowhere to be seen.

Jin sighed with relief as he pushed up off the floor into a sitting position against the wall. His body hurt. Everything hurt. Jimin had really done a number on him but Jin had protected his baby by curling his body around his belly and staying close to the wall. Even when Jimin had tried to flip him onto his back, he had held strong.

"Hang in there, baby. Please stay with dada," Jin whispered as he rubbed his bump gently while tears leaked from his eyes. "Dada will protect you until appa finds us. He will save us."

Jin had faith in his husband. He knew that when he failed to turn up at Narita, Taehyung would immediately begin searching for him. With the resources available to him at the agency where he worked, Jin had no doubt that Taehyung will find him and their baby. If not, Jin was certain that Haein would offer his assistance if he knew Jin was missing.

Jin knew about Haein's military background from past conversations. He was also aware that Haein still kept in touch with his former Special Forces buddies because they often visited Haein and dined at the restaurant when they came to Japan.

Jin looked out of a nearby window and noticed that night had fallen. He wondered if Taehyung had already discovered his whereabouts. And he wondered if Jimin will return to continue his assault.

He doesn't know why Jimin was fixated on him, nor why he would think that Jin was pregnant with Jungkook's baby. It made no sense. Jin was married to someone else and had had no contact with Jungkook until he reconnected with Taehyung. By then, Jin was already pregnant.

Jin had tried to explain this to Jimin. He swore that he had nothing to do with Jungkook since the night of the rehearsal dinner. He even went on to tell Jimin that he had lost his memories, and only just recovered them. That even with his restored memories, he had no intention of rekindling his relationship with Jungkook because he loved Taehyung. He loved Taehyung, and it was Taehyung's baby that resided in his belly.

But this only served to enrage Jimin. As he began kicking Jin, Jimin had screamed that as long as Jin still lived, Jungkook will never look at Jimin the same way he looked at Jin, that he will never give him a chance to be his lover, to be a proper husband to him, and to bear his children. Jimin had even blamed Jin for his infertility after a botched abortion.

"You bitch! You whore! Because of you, I became pregnant with other people's babies! Because of you, I had to abort every single one of them! Because of you, I then became infertile and can never have Jungkook's children! I hate you! I FUCKING HATE YOU!"

Jin shivered as he remembered the fury on Jimin's face as he spat his hate, the spittle forming at the corners of his mouth. It had twisted the man's handsome looks into something resembling a rabid beast, and it frightened Jin. Furthermore, the crazed look in Jimin's eyes was one that Jin hoped never to see again.

A soft thud followed by muffled knocking came from the balcony on the other side of the room. Puzzled, Jin looked at the glass doors and his heart stuttered from shock. Taehyung stood on the other side, looking back with fear on his face but love in his eyes.

When he noticed Jin staring at him, Taehyung held a finger to his lips and then revealed a brick wrapped in cloth in his other hand. Using the bundled brick, he broke the glass around the latch of the balcony door and slid it open.

Once AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora