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Jin took a sip of his chai latte to give Jungkook time to calm himself. Though he was curious to know more about the man who shared his face, he didn't know Jungkook well enough to ask. Jungkook was his husband's friend, not his. It was not his place to inquire.

"We met when we were in university," Jungkook began. "I walked into my Accounting class one day, and there was a handsome man sitting in my usual seat."

Jungkook smiled as the memory of that day came back.

"He was so beautiful, and yet completely unaware of it. All the other students kept sneaking glances at him. I think I even stopped breathing for a few minutes when I first saw him."

Jin's brow rose at the dreamy tone in Jungkook's voice.

"But then I remembered he was in my seat, and I needed that seat back. I had picked it out specially."


"It had a vantage view of the board, it was far enough away from the front to not draw the professor's constant attention, and it was far enough away from the back to not be bothered by the constant chit-chat that goes on there."

"Perhaps he chose it for the same reason."

Jungkook's eyes widened at Jin's quick grasp of why his Jinnie chose that seat. He slapped his thigh and laughed.

"He did! He told me that later!"

"So did you eject him from YOUR seat?"

"No, I didn't. When he saw me approach, he gathered his things to move to another seat. He figured I sat there."

Jin frowned.

"How would he know that?"

"It was his first day of class, but it was the third week for everyone else."

"Ahh," Jin nodded. "He was a smart man."

"Yes, he was," Jungkook smiled fondly. "He was studying to become a doctor."

"And did he? Become a doctor, I mean."

"He did."

Jungkook remembered feeling immensely proud of his Jinnie the day he graduated. His boyfriend was easily the best looking graduate that year, and he already had a residency lined up at the university's hospital.

Many hospitals around the country had vied to offer medical residencies to his Jinnie because of his outstanding grades and exceptional research skills, but his sweet boyfriend had chosen to stay at the university's hospital to be near Jungkook as he finished his final year.

"So what happened to cause you two to split up, if you don't mind me asking?"

Jungkook hung his head low in shame. He knew the question would come but it still tore at his insides.

"I did the worst thing possible to the man I love. I married someone else."

Jin gasped. This was not the answer he was expecting. More so when he recalled what Taehyung had told him about his own past.

Jin doesn't remember anything from his past. What little he knows is what Taehyung told him. So when Jungkook admitted to casting his boyfriend aside to marry another, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the unknown man, and resentment towards Jungkook.

Because, according to Taehyung, on the night they met, Jin was committing suicide after his boyfriend dumped him to marry another man. On the night they met, Jin died because of his faithless boyfriend.

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