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Jungkook brought the plate of cut fruit into the living room and set it on the coffee table. He speared one of the pears with his fork and brought it to his lips as he took a seat next to Jin on the sofa. This was the final activity of Jin's relaxing day off, and he had asked to watch a movie of his choice after Minjoon went to bed.

"What are we watching?" Jungkook asked.

Jin's eyes were glued to the television as he blindly reached for a fruit.

"The Ring."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he eyed Jin. Maybe he isn't my Jinnie after all, he thought, because my Jinnie was always too chicken-hearted to watch scary movies with me.

Jungkook smirked as he remembered one evening after they had been dating for three months. He had put on The Fog for their weekly movie night, but did not tell Jin what they were going to be watching.

It was the best night ever.

Jin had been so frightened by the movie, he had balled himself into Jungkook's lap, wrapped his arms around his waist, and buried his face in the crook of his neck. Jungkook had pretended to be annoyed by his clinginess, and tried to shift him off of his lap but Jin was like a koala and refused to be peeled off.

In the end, Jungkook distracted Jin by first kissing his forehead to calm him, and then kissing his way down the side of Jin's face to his jawline, his neck, and finally his collarbone. Soon Jin's rapid breathing was not due to being scared by the horror movie, but due to the pleasure and attention Jungkook was giving to his body.

Jin was like a wild animal that night as he let Jungkook fuck him on the sofa, on their bed, and later in their shower. It was also the first time Jungkook found out how loud Jin can get when he was highly aroused.

A loud clang broke into Jungkook's walk down memory lane. He shifted on the sofa to ease the tightness in his jeans before looking over to his other side.

Jin had both of his hands covering his face, but his fingers were splayed slightly so he could continue peeking at the television. A fork lay on the table next to a pear which was dangling at the table's edge.

Jungkook smiled as he reached across Jin to pick up the remote to turn off the movie. He could hear Jin whimpering in his ear, when suddenly there was a shriek, and Jin grabbed the front of Jungkook's shirt before hiding his face in the latter's chest.

"Ish eeem gong," Jin mumbled.

Jungkook frowned.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Ish eeem gong."

Jin sounded desperate but Jungkook still could not understand what he was saying.

Jin raised his head a little, and peered up at Jungkook. His eyes were teary from fear.

"Is she gone?"

Jungkook's heart thumped loudly in his chest as he looked into Jin's eyes. You have my Jinnie's eyes, he thought. How can you not be my Jinnie?

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