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Taehyung squeezed the hand he held in his. The stranger he had tried to save on the bridge has been in a coma since the night they were saved by the suicide rescue river team.

It was a sad state of affairs that the many suicide attempts on the bridge had led to the need to form such a team but Taehyung was grateful for their existence because it would have been a different outcome for both himself and this stranger if the team was not there that night to rescue them after they entered the waters.

"Wake up. Please wake up," Taehyung implored the other man.

Taehyung remembered his first sight of the man after they were pulled out of the river. The man was unconscious and thoroughly soaked in his water-logged clothes but Taehyung could see that he was beautiful under the wet hair that clung to his face and partially covered him. His long black lashes rested on porcelain white cheeks and his plump rosy pink lips were slightly parted as the rescue team worked to revive him.

That was almost a week ago and the stranger remained unconscious. It worried Taehyung and he wondered if he would ever wake up.

God must have taken a bit more time to perfect you before you were born, Taehyung thought as he lightly brushed the man's hair from his forehead. But what could have happened to you that was so bad that it drove you to kill God's hard work?

The man suddenly grimaced and his hand jerked slightly in Taehyung's hold. Taehyung's eyes widened and he got to his feet immediately for a closer look at him.

"Are you waking up? Please wake up! Please!"

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