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"Breathe, Jin. Breathe through the pain," Taehyung's eyes watered as he looked at his husband on the hospital bed.

Jin squeezed his eyes close and whimpered as the pain caused him to arch his back. He held Taehyung's hand tightly in his before re-opening his eyes to look at his husband.

"It hurts, Tae. It hurts and I'm so tired."

"I know, baby. I know. But hang in there. It won't be long now."

Taehyung looked up as the door to Jin's room opened and the doctor walked in with two nurses. The man was all smiles.

"Yoojin-san, we are ready for you. My nurse here will give you a shot to put you under. Don't worry. The effects are quick and the pain will be gone before you even realise it. And the next time you wake up, you will have your baby in your arms."

The doctor nodded to the nurse nearest to Jin, and she injected the medication into Jin's IV.

"See, baby?" Taehyung looked at Jin with all the love he felt inside. "I told you it won't be long now."

"Yes, you did." Jin gasped through the pain. "You've always been with me, Tae. And I love you so much for it."

"I love you too, Jin. More than you'll ever know."

Taehyung watched as his husband's eyes began to flutter shut. The anaesthesia was already taking effect.

"We'll be here waiting for you, Jin. Our baby and I will be here when you wake up."

Jin smiled and let the darkness take him.

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