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Jin tucked his head under Taehyung's chin as they cuddled in bed. He had told Taehyung that he was pregnant again, and Taehyung had immediately made sweet gentle love to him to celebrate the wonderful news.

"Do you think we'll have a girl this time?" Jin asked.

"I don't know, love. I don't mind either way," Taehyung smiled as he tightened his hold on his husband. "Do you know how far along you are?"

"No, but I'll make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow to confirm."

"Our family is growing, Jin. I'm so happy."

"Me too, Tae. You've been a great appa to our Minjoon. And a wonderful husband to me."

"You are a fantastic dada to our Minjoon, and no one comes close to being the best husband in the world than you. Meeting you was my luckiest day ever," Taehyung kissed Jin's forehead gently.

"Mine too, Tae. Not only did you save my life that day, but you also gave me life."

Jin raised his head a little so he could look at Taehyung. My husband is quite handsome, he thought. He chuckled internally at himself, dumbfounded that he never noticed it before. He realised that he had been so positively impacted by Taehyung's unconditional love and generous care that it never occurred to him to pay attention to the man's outer appearance.

"Tae, thank you for loving me and for being there for me all this time. I don't know what my life would have been like if circumstances had not driven me to that bridge that night to take my life, but this... what I have with you now? It's pretty darn perfect."

Taehyung was humbled by his husband's words and felt tears pool in his eyes. He kissed Jin tenderly. He felt so blessed to have Jin and Minjoon in his life, and now they were about to be blessed again by a new addition. Life was good.

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