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There was much laughter at the picnic table in the back garden of Yoongi and Hoseok's home as everyone enjoyed the lovely offering of meats, seafood, and vegetables that the young Jung chef had prepared for his husband to grill. The delicious smell of perfectly charred food wafted into the evening air as the clinking silverware and crockery battled for supremacy with the happy chatter of the diners.

Jungkook spent much of his time staring at Jin. He couldn't help it. His beloved was here. Sitting next to him and conversing easily with him. There was no anger, no hostility, and no blame in Jin's gaze whenever they met Jungkook's dark orbs. There was just fondness and quiet acceptance. Even the gold flecks that swam in Jin's beautiful brown eyes seemed to shimmer brightly as if to approve of Jungkook.

"Why don't you just take a picture of Jin, Jungkook? It'll last longer," Yoongi smirked from across the table.

Everyone laughed as Jungkook ducked his head shyly. He snuck a glance at the man next to him to see his reaction, and smiled when he saw how red the tip of his ear was. Jin always did hate when people paid attention to him. One was fine but more than one typically made him turn the shade of a cooked lobster, which was funny because the crustacean was Jin's favourite food.

Speaking of...

"Hyung, did you know that Jin was going to be here tonight?"

There was an accusatory tone in Jungkook's voice as he looked at Yoongi. Instead of responding, the other man pretended to busy himself with making a lettuce wrap for his husband beside him.

"Hyung..." Jungkook growled. "I know you know. Why else would there be lobsters on the menu tonight? We've never had lobsters before!"

"And you!" Jungkook turned his glare on Haein who sat to his left. "Jin and Minjoon are the friends you met on your travels, aren't they?!"

Haein's mouth opened and closed wordlessly as he looked at his cousin for help. But support came from a different direction.

"Kookie... stop," Jin spoke softly. Surprisingly, it had an immediate effect and soothed Jungkook's rising temper. "Don't blame them. I asked them not to tell you because I wanted to surprise you."

"You wanted to surprise me?" Jungkook repeated in a hushed voice.

"Yes," Jin confirmed as he laid his hand gently over Jungkook's, causing the younger man to swallow audibly and his eyes to widen comically. "We'll talk later. For now, let's enjoy this magnificent feast that Yoongi and Hobi made. Okay?"

"Okay," Jungkook agreed meekly, his head nodding like a wobbler on a car dashboard.

Two hours later, all of the food had been eaten. The grill was clean and shiny once more, and the picnic table was wiped down and ready for use the next time Yoongi and Hoseok fancied eating in their back garden again.

The couple had gone inside with Haein and Minjoon, and were now sitting comfortably in front of the bigscreen TV in the family room, watching Haein's vlog of his recent travels. Jin could hear the cheeky comments offered up by Yoongi from time to time coming from the open windows, followed by laughter and the odd slap now and then which could only have come from Hoseok as he curbed his husband's bad behaviour. It made Jin smile.

His little family comprising of the Jung cousins had blended in nicely with Jungkook's little family comprising of grumpy Yoongi. One day, he will ask Hoseok how he tamed the crotchety lawyer. He was sure it was a story worth telling in an afternoon devoted to it. In the meantime, he will simply observe and enjoy their interactions.

Jin sat on a wooden bench in a section of the back garden overlooking several modern bungalows. In the distance, he could see the bright lights of downtown Seoul. It was a lovely sight, and reminded him of the times when he and Jungkook would drive up to Laurel Canyon so they could look at the lights of downtown LA at night. They were such lovely memories.

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