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Jungkook couldn't sleep. He was too buzzed and wired. He was still in shock after today's events. He had found his Jinnie. Here. In Tokyo. It was unbelievable.

After four long and torturous years apart, Jinnie was back in his life again.

He can still see in his mind's eye the moment he realised that he was looking at his Jinnie. Truly looking at Jinnie.

First, there was the confusion in the aftermath of Jin pushing him and Minjoon to the side, and then that stupid kid had collided with Jin. It was quite fortunate that he had been holding Minjoon in his arms at the time because they were playing a bobbing game in the pool.

Then the defining moment when he had turned to look at Jin, wondering why he had pushed them, not realising at first that he had just saved them, and seeing him facedown in the water. He had panicked but then all sound had disappeared around him, and all the people around him faded, save for himself and Jin.

Jin's t-shirt had ridden up and his back was exposed. A long pink scar stood out against his fair skin, the shape distinct. The world stopped and there was a ringing in Jungkook's ears as he stared at the scar, and suddenly he was transported to the time when his Jinnie almost died.


It was Jungkook's final year at university. He and Jin were going to a party. He laced his fingers with his boyfriend's as they walked towards the frat house on campus. They had been invited to the party by one of Jungkook's friends who was the frat treasurer.

"I hope tonight's party won't be as wild as the last one," Jin said.

"That was a one-off, Jinnie. Don't be so old about it," Jungkook teased.

Jin narrowed his eyes at Jungkook. He acknowledged that he was a little older than Jungkook, but that didn't mean he liked being reminded of it.

Jungkook must have realised that he had hurt his boyfriend's feelings because he suddenly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, causing the people behind them to shuffle quickly to the side to avoid running into them. He looked tenderly at Jin, and placed one hand gently against the side of Jin's face before kissing him sweetly.

"My beautiful Jinnie. I'm sorry. But I'm glad I'm younger than you because my youth is the only thing that allows me to keep up with you in looks."

Jin scoffed and rolled his eyes, before pulling Jungkook towards their destination again.

Three hours later, Jin was beginning to regret not insisting to Jungkook that they leave the party. It had gotten unruly as the partygoers steadily got drunk over the course of the night.

Cans and bottles of beer littered the floor of the living room he was in, and brawls had broken out here and there. Fortunately, the frat brothers had managed to break them up before they got out of hand.

"Hey gorgeous! Why is a pretty thing like you by yourself at a party like this?"

A cold shiver ran down Jin's spine as he turned and made eye contact with a tall burly boy holding a half empty bottle of beer in one hand. He vaguely remembered seeing this boy around campus. He was a football player who was in Jungkook's Macroeconomics class.

"Where's that possessive boyfriend of yours? Did you finally come to your senses and ditch his controlling ass?"

Jin could tell he was drunk. His speech was slurred, and he was hanging on to the wall to keep himself upright. He took a step closer towards Jin, and tried to grab his arm. Jin neatly sidestepped him, causing him to stumble and quickly scramble to renew his hold on the wall.

"No, I'm not alone. Jungkook's gone to the bathroom," Jin said with a tight smile. "He will be back soon."

"In that case, why don't I keep your beautiful ass company until he gets back?"

"No, thank you. I'm perfectly fine," Jin said primly.

The boy laughed and lurched towards Jin again but this time Jin was not quick enough to avoid him. He was trapped against the wall, and as Jin tried to push him off, the boy laughed and leaned towards him to steal a kiss.

"No! Get off me! GET OFF ME!"

Jin tried to catch the other partygoers' attention but the music was loud and the area he was in was mostly occupied by students who were engaged in a mating dance or full on making out.

"Help! Anyone please! HELP ME!"

Jin's assailant now had Jin's wrists grasped in one hand above his head, while his other hand tossed his beer bottle behind him so he could pull Jin's shirt out of his jeans to grope him freely.

"No! No! Jungkook! JUNGKOOK! HELP ME!"

The boy was strong, and Jin was starting to feel weak from fighting him off. It didn't help that his alcohol-infused breath was making Jin gag and feel lightheaded. He saw the boy's lips coming fast towards him again and knew he wouldn't be able to avoid it this time.

He gritted his teeth and prepared himself for the inevitable when the boy was suddenly ripped from him, and landed several feet behind in a heap. Shocked, he looked up into Jungkook's worried eyes.

"Oh my god, Jinnie! Are you alright?! Did he hurt you, baby? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Jin was relieved to see Jungkook and was about to answer when he saw his assailant return with a broken bottle in his hand, ready to strike at Jungkook.

Jin had no time to warn Jungkook so he flipped their positions and pulled his boyfriend's head down to his chest. The broken beer bottle cut through his shirt and slashed his back.

Jin received twelve stitches that night at the university's hospital. They had wanted to keep him overnight for observation but Jin wanted to go home with Jungkook.

The incident left a six inch scar on Jin's back that served as a permanent reminder to Jungkook of how close he came to losing his boyfriend. It traumatised Jungkook so much that he would never forget the shape of the scar.

End of flashback...

By the time Jungkook came back to his senses, Jin was already coming towards him and reaching for his son. Jungkook's eyes had roamed over his face, reacquainting itself with his perfect features. He had been right all along. He had been with his Jinnie all this time.

"Jinnie, it's you. It's really you."

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