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"I want you to tell me how you and Tae met."

Jin blinked at Jungkook. Of all the things he expected Jungkook to say, this was not it.

"Oh," Jin looked away, unsure of what to say.

How do you tell someone that you met your husband when you were killing yourself?

"Will you tell me how you and Taehyung met?"

Jin took several deep breaths before turning back to Jungkook.

"I met Taehyung when I was committing suicide. He tried to save me. I died but the rescue team revived me."

Jungkook was stunned. No, not my Jinnie. My Jinnie would never do something so drastic, so terrible, so final. My Jinnie was a doctor. He saved lives. He would never take his own life. Not my Jinnie.


"On a bridge in Seoul."

"Which bridge?"

Jin described the bridge. He doesn't remember much so he was relying on what Taehyung had told him.

Jungkook's eyes were wide with horror. He knows the bridge that Jin spoke of. It was not far from the hotel where he and Jimin had held their rehearsal dinner.

The awful realisation hit him. While I was eating, drinking, dancing with Jimin, and laughing with my guests, the love of my life was dying.

"Why?" Jungkook's voice was a whisper filled with pain. He wasn't sure that he wanted to hear the answer even though he knew what it was going to be.

"I don't remember, to be honest. Tae said when I woke up several days after I was rescued, I told the doctor that my last thought was I didn't want to live anymore because my boyfriend had left me to marry another man."

Jungkook's legs went weak and it took everything in him to remain standing and not fall to his knees in front of Jin to beg for forgiveness. He was devastated by the knowledge that his Jinnie tried to kill himself. Because of him. His Jinnie had in fact died. BECAUSE OF HIM.

"Who was he? The man who left you?"

"I don't know. I'm afraid I don't remember anything about my past, Jungkook-san. I lost everything that night. My boyfriend, my memories, who I was. I don't even know my real name. I'm what the Americans call a John Doe but Tae gave me a name - Yoojin."

For all his faults and his attempts to keep Jungkook away from Jin, Jungkook can't argue with the fact that his best friend was the reason why his Jinnie was alive and thriving today. Nonetheless, this was HIS Jinnie. The love of HIS life. NOT Taehyung's.

"Have you ever been to America?" Jungkook asked, hoping the question will jolt something in Jin's dormant memory.

"No, I don't think so. Maybe? I don't know."

"You said something to me when we were at the zoo. You said something about a gorilla in San Diego Zoo. And you also called me Kookie. In fact, you called me Kookie twice. How do you know San Diego Zoo? And how do you know my nickname is Kookie?"

Jungkook knew he was playing dirty by bombarding Jin with all these questions but he was desperate. He had to make Jin remember. He had to try.


A deep voice shouted from the door. Both Jungkook and Jin turned to look.

It was Taehyung.

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