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The next morning, Jungkook woke up in his own bed as the remnants of his memories from four years ago faded away like wisps of smoke. He had no recollection of how he got to his room. The last thing he remembered was crying at the side of Jin's bed as he held his ex-boyfriend's hand tightly and relived the events that led to him losing his beloved.

How did I end up here? Did Jin carry me? Surely not! He's pregnant!

As he pondered over the possibility of Jin carrying him in his current condition, he began to worry. He threw back his comforter and strode quickly to his bedroom door. He pulled it open and hurried towards Jin's room but a sound behind him caught his attention.

There was a humming, and soft rhythmic thumping. Was someone in his kitchen? Was it Jin?

Jungkook swiftly changed directions and began to follow the source of the unfamiliar tune. He became aware of a delicious smell the closer he got, and when he turned the corner, the sight before him stuttered his heart.

Jin was chopping something on the granite counter while a pot boiled merrily away, and a pan sizzled on the stove. The neat grey bow on Jin's lower back told Jungkook that he had an apron over his clothes. It made Jungkook's chest expand, and brought tears to his eyes. It was like old times again. Jin was making breakfast, the way he used to when they were still together.

Does this mean what I hope it means? Is Jin giving me another chance? Will he be mine once again?

Jungkook tried to remind himself that Jin had also made breakfast when he was avoiding him. That this was no different. That he should not get his hopes up. There was progress yesterday but Jungkook still had a ways to go towards making amends. He had four years worth of pain and heartbreak to make up for.

But Jungkook couldn't help himself. This... this was familiar. He could tell. Even the air around Jin as he cooked was familiar. His actions were familiar. And he moved with comfort and ease. This was his Jinnie. Not Taehyung's Yoojin. This was Jin, the love of his life. His Jinnie was here once again.

"Good morning, Jungkook."

Jungkook startled out of his thoughts. He realised that Jin had turned off the hobs on the stove, and was now plating the food. He watched as the man sprinkled the spring onions he was chopping earlier into the big bowl of soup in the middle of the breakfast counter.

"Come and have breakfast," Jin beckoned.

Jungkook moved forward as though in a trance. He surveyed the food that Jin had prepared, and felt a knot in his throat. This was definitely the type of breakfast that he and Jin had often had together when they were at uni. There was even a plate of Jin's fresh kimchi.

Jungkook sat at the counter and looked at his former boyfriend. Jin was radiant, either from the exertion of making breakfast or from his pregnancy, but one thing was certain — the man was glowing.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Jin asked as he reached for a banchan.

"I did," Jungkook replied. "You?"

"I did too, although I woke up at one point to take you back to your room."

"Yes, I was going to ask you about that. How did you take me to my room? Did you carry me? Because last time I checked, I was watching you sleep."

"Goodness, Jungkook, could you sound any more creepier than that?"

Jungkook blinked when he realised that Jin was teasing him. He was stunned. After everything they had been through, Jin was teasing him. It was like old times. Tears began to prick at the corner of his eyes.

"So you carried me?" Jungkook asked again.


"Jin! You're pregnant! You shouldn't be carrying a man around in your condition!"

"I'm also married, and I shouldn't be having someone who's not my husband sleeping at the side of my bed," Jin retorted.

There was an audible click as Jungkook snapped his mouth shut in shock. The atmosphere in the kitchen chilled. Even Jin's glow visibly dimmed. It made Jungkook regret his sudden outburst.

They ate in silence. After a few minutes, Jin cleared his throat. It sounded unnatural, like Jin was anxious. Jungkook looked up from his bowl of rice.

"I was wondering..." Jin began nervously.


"I was wondering if you could take me to the hospital today."

Jungkook frowned. "Why? Are you feeling any pain? See?! You shouldn't have carri—"

"No, no!" Jin waved his hands at Jungkook. "Nothing like that."

"Then what? Are you feeling dizzy again? Is it the baby?"

"Jungkook, stop. You sound like Taehyung when I was pregnant with Minjoon," Jin chuckled. "No, I meant the hospital where I used to work. I would like to see my former colleagues again. I want to apologise to them for my disappearance."

"Jin, you shouldn't have to apologise for that. It wasn't your fault."

"Maybe. But I should still explain—"

"No maybe," Jungkook said firmly. "It's not your fault."

"So you're not going to take me?" Jin pouted.

"Of course I'll take you. I just don't want you to blame yourself for something that you didn't cause."

Jin nodded.

"We'll go after we're done with breakfast."

"Thank you, Jungkook."

The radiant smile that appeared on Jin's face made Jungkook's heart skip and took his breath away. It made Jungkook fall in love with Jin more, and he began to pray that Jin will choose to remain in Seoul. That he will stay with him.

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