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Author's Note: I dedicate this chapter to my followers who were also my followers from my old account when I was BlueTulip97. I am humbled by your faith in my ability as a writer because you made the effort and took the time to find me again after I closed my account. Thank you.


Taehyung snapped another picture of Jin as he stood on the steps with the Eiffel Tower behind him, and pretended to push it with his index finger. The pose came out perfectly in the viewfinder on Taehyung's camera, and the two laughed uproariously.

Taehyung and Jin were married two days ago in Japan, and they were in Paris for their honeymoon. Jin had told the other man that he had always wanted to go to the City of Love for his honeymoon, and Taehyung pulled out all the stops to make it happen. Nothing was impossible for his Jin.

"Are you hungry yet, babe?" Taehyung asked as he entwined his long fingers with Jin's slightly crooked ones.

"Yes! Can we go to that bistro we saw on our first day? It has great reviews and I want to see if it lives up to its hype."

"Of course! Anything for Chef Jin."

Three months after meeting on the bridge, Taehyung had brought Jin to Japan to begin a new life. Hearing how the other had been on the bridge because his boyfriend had rejected him to marry someone else had made Taehyung angry because it reminded him so much of his former best friend, and how callously Jungkook had discarded his boyfriend of four years.

Though Taehyung had never met Jungkook's ex-boyfriend – heck, he never even knew his name – Taehyung felt compelled to make amends to the other man. Saving Jin was Taehyung's way of making things right and if his act benefitted someone who was in the same shoes as Jungkook's ex-boyfriend, then he had no regrets. He just never counted on falling for Jin so deeply along the way.

A month after arriving in Japan, he had enrolled Jin in the best culinary school in Tokyo after the latter confessed that he loved to cook. Taehyung had tasted his cooking and agreed Jin had an aptitude for it.

While Jin went to school, Taehyung continued working at the agency where he was the main photographer for all of the major photoshoots and ad campaigns. Though he often travelled for work, ever since meeting Jin, he had it written into his contract that he will never be away on assignments for more than seven days, including travel time. He didn't want to be away from Jin for too long. Because Taehyung was at the top of his field and in high demand, the agency agreed to his terms without a fight. They didn't want to lose him to their competitors.

Taehyung can still remember the day he proposed to Jin. He was so nervous and afraid that he was going to throw up if Jin said no. Fortunately, the proposal had gone without a hitch, starting from the dinner at the upscale sushi restaurant to the walk in the park to the fireworks over the lake when he got down on one knee to ask for Jin's hand. It was perfect.

Jin had burst into tears at the proposal, and sent Taehyung into a panic. He'd watched with great anxiety as Jin hid his face and sobbed as he mumbled incoherently. It had taken a few minutes before Taehyung was able to make out the words that Jin kept repeating.

"But I'm wearing the wrong shirt. The wrong damn shirt. I was supposed to wear my pink shirt when I get proposed to. I'm wearing the wrong shirt. The wrong damn shirt!"

Giddy with relief, Taehyung had pulled Jin into his arms and told him that he loved the shirt he was wearing and that he would gladly propose to him again if he wanted to wear his pink shirt. Jin had melted at this declaration and promptly said yes. And now here they were, in Paris, the City of Love on their honeymoon. Life was great. Even more so with Jin by his side.

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