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Jungkook took a sip of single malt before resting the tumbler on his lap and leaning back on the settee to continue his conversation with Haein. He had arrived at Yoongi and Hoseok's lovely home about a half hour ago with two bottles of Ardbeg 10 Year Old to celebrate Haein's graduation and homecoming. Hoseok had issued the invitation to him about a week ago when they finally got confirmation of Haein's return because his cousin wanted to travel for a bit before coming home.

Jungkook was happy to see the older Jung cousin again. He had missed the man while he was away at culinary school in Switzerland. The man had a level head and a calming presence about him which reminded him a lot of his Jinnie. And he was responsible for finding Jin when his beloved had been kidnapped. He hoped Haein would choose not to take off again to study elsewhere now that he was back. And Jungkook was about to reveal the ace up his sleeve in the hopes of persuading the older man to stay. It was the least he could do for Yoongi.

His childhood friend and attorney had confided in him shortly after he and his husband discovered that they were going to be parents. Yoongi had confessed to Jungkook that Hoseok sometimes became depressed because he was missing not only his cousin but also Jin and Minjoon. Since neither Yoongi nor Jungkook knew where Jin and Minjoon were, the next best thing they could do was make sure Haein will always be close by.

"So what are your plans for the future, Haein, now that you're a certified chef?" Jungkook asked. "Are you thinking of working at a specialty restaurant or a world class hotel here in Seoul?"

"I do have replies to my applications at several venues here in the city, and I already have two interviews lined up but..."

"But?" Jungkook prompted.

"I kind of liked being my own boss when Hoseok and I ran Jin's old restaurant in Tokyo. It was hard work but it was satisfying hard work."

"So if an opportunity came up where you could do so again, would you take it?"

"Maybe. Just not in Tokyo," Haein replied before taking a sip of his own drink. "I've been away from home too long. I miss being in Korea. I won't take back the restaurant that I started with Hoseok though. That's his now. He earned it."

A brilliant smile washed over Jungkook as he leaned forward to place his tumbler on the table before him.

"That's perfect because I have a proposition for you..."

As he reached inside his sports jacket for the documents he had brought with him tonight in anticipation of this conversation, Jungkook couldn't help but wish that Jin was beside him so he could share in this moment. His Jinnie had cared so much for the Jung cousins that he was sure that his beloved would've been excited for Haein and his future.

Twenty minutes later, Jungkook leaned back against the settee once again and took a sip from his fresh tumbler of single malt. Yoongi had replenished his and Haein's drinks when he popped in to the living room to let them know that dinner would be starting a bit later than scheduled because they were waiting on Haein's guests. When Jungkook had asked who else had been invited, Haein had waved off his enquiry with a vague "friends I met on my travels" before diverting Jungkook's attention back to the documents that he was perusing.

"Hyung! Can you come in the kitchen please?" Hoseok's voice called out just as Haein finished reading the documents that Jungkook brought.

"Coming!" Haein replied before turning apologetically to Jungkook. "I swear my cousin has become quite high-maintenance ever since he got pregnant. I don't know how his husband puts up with it."

Jungkook laughed because there was truth in Haein's observation. The younger Jung cousin was a lot more demanding now but his husband indulged him anyway because he loved him so much. And Jungkook could relate to that because if things had been different, he would indulge his Jin anything and everything.

The doorbell rang while Jungkook continued to sit in the living room, admiring the decor. He looked towards the kitchen, expecting either Yoongi or Haein to come running to answer the bell because whoever was at the door was most likely Haein's guests.

"Hey Jungkook! Can you get the door please?" Yoongi's voice floated out. "We've kind of got our hands full over here."

Jungkook rolled his eyes but stood up anyway, "Sure, hyung."

As he made his way to the door, he began schooling his face into a friendly smile. These were Haein's guests so no harm in making a good impression. He swung the door open and frowned when he saw nothing. But then a voice spoke up from slightly below his eye level. A voice he never thought he would ever hear.

"Konbanwa, ojisan. Have you missed me?"

As Jungkook's eyes roamed the handsome young boy standing before him, something moved in the shadows at the side and the world stopped for Jungkook.

"Hello Kookie. Have you missed me too?"

It was Jin. His beloved was back.

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