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Jungkook looked at Jin, horrified. The man was screaming and cursing like a drunk sailor on shore leave. He tentatively reached out to try and calm him down, but was rudely interrupted when Jin gave a final expletive and flipped his middle finger at his source of frustration before walking away.

"Jin, we were supposed to do something relaxing today," Jungkook reminded Jin.

"What do you mean?" Jin looked genuinely puzzled. "This is relaxing!"

"Jin, you were yelling. You were gesturing wildly, and some of those gestures were not nice."

"Well if they hadn't cheated, I wouldn't have had to be bad," Jin retorted, one eyebrow raised as if daring Jungkook to say more about his behaviour.

Jin and Jungkook were at a games arcade in Shinjuku. Jin had asked to go there after they dropped Minjoon off with a babysitter for the day. At first, Jungkook thought that Jin just wanted to roam around and watch people play, and maybe sing a bit of karaoke in the booths. But no, Jin did none of that.

It started off quite tame when they first arrived. Jungkook challenging Jin at some of the tossing games, and air hockey. But then the moment Jin set eyes on the Super Mario Kart games, all bets were off. The man played like he was possessed by a demon.

Truth be told, Jungkook was quite turned on by how focused and competitive Jin was. He was precise in all of his moves, and his strategy was sound. In fact, it reminded Jungkook of his Jinnie when he played MapleStory. But then another player entered the race that Jin was in and suddenly Jin was no longer possessed by a demon. Jin was the demon, and he was brutal.

He yelled at the screen, he shrieked at the other racers, and he threw hands every time a racer tossed something in his path to slow him down. If Jungkook wasn't so turned on by the flush in Jin's cheeks, he would have questioned who swapped Jin's body when they were making their way here to the arcade.

"Right, I'm ready to go back to take that fucker down. No one messes with Chef Jin and gets away with it!"

Jungkook's jaw dropped and his eyes widened with horror as he watched his best friend's husband stomp back to the Super Mario Kart machines and cracked his knuckles. The demon was back.

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