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Jungkook let himself into the honeymoon suite. It was just after midnight and he was slightly damp from the light rain sprinkling outside on the Parisian streets. He had taken a walk this evening after yet another disastrous dinner with his husband that descended into a whisper-shouting match.

Jimin was losing patience with him because he refused to consummate their marriage after the failed first attempt on their wedding night. It was their third night in Paris but the two men have barely spent any time together, Jungkook preferring to go out during the day to explore Paris on his own while Jimin slept in their bed after dragging himself back to the suite in the early hours following a night out at one of the many fancy nightclubs near their hotel.

Things had gone without a hitch in the beginning after their large scale lavish wedding in a luxurious hotel in Seoul. Jungkook had driven them back to their new marital home, fully intending to give Jimin a wedding night to remember.

Jungkook had participated actively in the make-out session with his husband on their bed before moving on to the main event, but when Jimin placed his hand on Jungkook's clothed cock and whispered his name, Jungkook had opened his eyes fully expecting to see Jin's lovely face and smile for some reason, and when he saw Jimin instead, his libido had come crashing down. And no matter how skilled Jimin was with his tongue and hands, Jungkook's cock had remained stubbornly soft.

Angered by this, Jimin had walked out of their bedroom and left their home that night, only to return just before noon the next day, in time to shower and change before following Jungkook to the airport to catch their flight to Paris to begin their honeymoon. The two had barely spoken during the flight, and since arriving in Paris, have only exchanged short sentences consisting of "pass the salt", or "more bread?", or "yes" and "no" during meals. It gave Jungkook terrible indigestion.

Jungkook hung his jacket in the closet and made his way through the living room to the bedroom. He frowned when he noticed a light under the door that had been left slightly ajar. He could have sworn he'd turned off the light when he left this evening to go for a walk. Jimin had already left to go to another nightclub by then.

Jungkook padded softly over to the door, and pushed it open quietly. His mouth hung open and his eyes widened at the unexpected sight that greeted him.

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