Chapter 55

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''Deen?'' Ethan called from across the street with a worried look on his face.''Why are you crying again?'' He crossed the road, cars driving right through him. I cried, waiting for him to get to me.

''What's wrong, princess?'' He frowned, cupping my face with his cold hand.

I looked down, tears spilling from my eyes.''I can't do this without you'' I whispered as he touched my bottom lip with his thumb.

''Sure you can'' He kissed my forehead, pulling me into his chest.''She needs you, princess. Don't give up'' He whispered into my hair and I cried harder.

''I can't do this alone!'' I protested.

''You're not alone, you have a whole village of people caring about you. They love you, Mel. Come on, cheer up'' He chuckled, running his hand through my hair in the most comforting way. I missed his touch so much.

''That's nothing if I don't have you'' I shook my head, tears soaking into his t-shirt.

''Stop'' He pulled back a little, looking into my eyes with his piercing green ones.''Get it together, for her. Okay?''

I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't say a word.

''Please, princess'' He begged, kissing my nose gently.

''Stay with me, Summers'' I tried, gripping him as if he would disappear. Because he would.

''You know I can't do that...'' Tears slipped from his eyes and I cried out.''I have to go now, Deen'' He placed a kiss on my lips and I shook my head.

''I have to'' He let go of me and walked back onto the road, never turning around. Cars raced through him as he watched me sadly. ''I'm sorry'' He shook his head sadly.

With that, I was pulled out of my dream by my doctor's voice.''Ms.Deen, you have to eat'' She woke me up, a worried look in her eyes.''It is crucial to your pregnancy''

I squeezed my eyes shut at her last words.


I had been in this hospital for three days because I had to be monitored after fainting the night Ethan passed away. And I still couldn't believe I was carrying a child inside my body. His child.

''I can't eat'' I forced out, keeping my eyes shut.

''She needs you, princess'' Ethan's words from my most recent dream rang in my ears and I couldn't hear what the doctor said next. I shook my head, desperately trying to hear her.

I know she does, Ethan. But I can't do this.

''Sure you can''

''He talks to me in my dreams'' I let a tear slip, forcing myself to talk over Ethan's voice in my head.''Is it normal?'' I asked, knowing the answer. No, Melanie. It's not fucking normal! You're fucking insane just like your dead mother.

''It's normal'' The doctor placed a hand on my shoulder, frowning at the pain I was in.''You're grieving, Ms.Deen. Anything is normal when a pregnant woman is grieving...when anyone is grieving'' She sighed.

Pregnant woman.


I brushed my hair slowly, trying not to think too much about the day ahead.

I loved him.

And he loved me.

But loving me is a death sentence, isn't it?

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