Chapter 14

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"My mom has cancer" Everyone stiffened at the word that came out of my mouth. I looked around to see who had a strange reaction, but no one seemed to fit the confession. Except for one oddly relaxed person.


I snapped out of it, looking up at Alisa. "Who do you think confessed this?" She asked, looking at the piece of paper in my hand. I shrugged at Alisa, catching his eyes on me with the corner of my eye. I made sure no to look his way, keeping my gaze on Alisa.

I could feel him staring at me. I took a look around, finally stopping on him for half a second longer than on anyone else. He had an unknown emotion in his eyes, at least it was unknown to me. I tore my gaze away from him, not wanting to bring attention to the truth. To his truth.

"Okay then, anyone is welcome to speak" Alisa invited the others to guess. I let the false guesses run passed my mind, trying to keep a clear head. None of those guesses were true. 

He continued staring at me. Almost as if he was wondering why I would keep his secret. Why wouldn't I? When he mentioned his sister, he had a certain look on his face. I couldn't shake it out of my mind. I knew it meant something. I knew it meant that something wasn't okay.

"Better break out of your trance before Alisa snaps your neck" Quinn whispered into my ear, making me pull my stare away from him.

"Jesus" I whispered back, placing a hand on my heart."Don't scare old ladies with bad hearts..." I gave her a pointed look, dismissing my strange behavior. She snorted, making everyone look at us. I bit back a laugh, glancing at an embarrassed Quinn.

"Classy" Trent commented, making my head snap his way. He was usually a very quiet, moody guy, who hardly ever spoke up in this group.

Quinn flipped him off and he bit back a smile. What do we have here? I can smell a love story from a mile away.

"Wow, that was so subtle" I whispered sarcastically. She elbowed me in the side, sighing like a dramatic tween.

"Trent is out of my league" She whispered.

" you've thought about it?" I wiggled my eyebrows, glancing at Trent. She blushed a little, hiding behind her red hair.

"Yeah, so what? We used to be close" She muttered. I watched as she crossed her arms across her chest, letting out a frustrated sigh. I laughed at her, quietly.

"What happened?" I asked, catching Ethan staring at me. Again.

"He slept with Trish" She replied bluntly.

"That...was unexpected" I choked on air, my eyes widening. She nodded, giving Trent a 'fuck you' glare."I don't remember you guys ever being a thing though" I added, looking at Trent as well. He flipped his blonde hair to the opposite side, wearing the famous moody expression on his tanned face.

"We weren't" She shrugged.

I looked at her, scrunching up my eyebrows in obvious confusion. She gave me a pointed look, clearly annoyed at my curiosity."I was the typical dumb puppy, chasing after him all the time. We were childhood friends. I know him since I was 5 years old, which is a hell of a long time if you ask me. And as you've probably already guessed, I've had a crush on him since forever"

I raised my eyebrows. Oh wow.

"Why didn't you guys date?" I wondered out loud.

"I'm not his type" She scoffed.

"Yeah, right. Are you crazy? Have you seen yourself?!" I whisper-shouted. Everyone else was too invested in a story Rachel was telling to hear our convo.

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