Chapter 21

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It has been two weeks. I had been in the hospital for two whole weeks. All thanks to mother dearest, I had surgery to repair my torn eardrum. Apparently, it had been ruptured too many times. So this time, it needed surgery. To top it all off, I couldn't even get the surgery straight away because it was that bad. So yeah, these two weeks were fun. Not. I won't even be able to fully hear with that ear until it heals completely.

Ethan visited me after I had surgery and we got into a fight. Who's surprised? Not me.
Basically, it was about him wanting to ruin my mother's life and me not wanting him to do so.
So he hasn't visited me since then. He just didn't understand why I wanted to forgive and forget her. And I just didn't understand why he cared so much.

Quinn visited me almost every day and told me all about the stupid stuff happening at school. Also, apparently, Alisa held an entire support group meeting about me. Yep, kill me now.

Meg came over every day to remind me that none of this would've happened if I just let her beat my mother up from day one. Also, Dylan proposed to her. So, that's exciting.

Other than all of that, I had been laying in bed watching TV or sitting by the window and stalking people. Ugh. I could already imagine the mountains of school work I would have to do when I got back.

Quinn walked into the room, smiling like a Cheshire cat."Hey, sexy!" She chirped, plopping down onto one of the armchairs by the window. I took in her happiness, furrowing my brows.

"Hey, what are you so happy about?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and laughed at my gloomy mood.

"They're letting you out today!" She clapped.

I gaped at her, blinking occasionally.

"Apparently, they did a check-up yesterday and your eardrum is looking almost perfect! I had to interrogate your doctor, but at least I got the truth out of him" She chuckled.

"Really? So I can get dressed? No one's going to come in and shove things into my ear? No ear drops? N-nothing?" I stuttered, not believing that I could go back to my normal life now. Well, who am I kidding? When was my life ever normal?

She nodded, springing up from the armchair."Yes! Well...I think you might have to take some medication for a while, but other than're good to go!" She cheered, excitedly. I sprung up from the hospital bed, jumping up and down like a child. She laughed at me and shortly, she was jumping around and cheering with me.

Our joy was cut short when someone coughed. My head snapped towards the doorway, eyes landing on him. I held my breath, shocked."I'm guessing I chose the wrong time to visit..." Ethan rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly. I stared at him, not sure what I could say. He spilled some pretty nasty words out of his mouth, the last time he was here. And to be completely honest, he hurt my feelings. Not the first time, but still. I thought he was done doing that.

Quinn coughed and walked out of the room, muttering something about needing some water.

"So..." Ethan began.

I plopped back down onto the bed, grabbing the clothes Quinn brought me."What? Do you wanna insult me again? You just love to make me feel like shit, don't you? Well, go ahead!" I huffed, pulling my black jeans on under the hospital gown.

He groaned loudly and I felt my blood boil even more."You know that's not what I want" He sighed, coming closer.

"Oh do I?" I scoffed, grabbing the black sweater. He eyed it, hesitating for a bit before turning away so I could change into it. I squinted at his back, trying to control the urge to karate chop his balls off. Instead, I slipped out of the hospital gown and pulled the sweater over my head.

Saving Melanie Deenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें