Chapter 19

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I failed to hold in a drunken giggle as the random guy's sweaty hands roamed my body. I looked up, spotting Quinn jump onto some guy's back. I cheered her on, trying to shake the thoughts of Ethan out of my hazy mind. How did this happen? How did the arrogant bad boy find his way into my brain?  

I stared at the drunk guy dancing with me, only managing to see a blurry blonde guy. I was far too drunk to see any facial features. He was a blur to me. Despite not seeing what he looked like, I knew he was the complete opposite of Ethan. This guy looked like the type to live with his mom until his thirties. He was dressed in a light blue, short-sleeve shirt and light grey jeans. His hair was jelled to one side and his shoes were polished to perfection. Without a doubt, giving me crazy 'mommy chose my outfit for kindergarten' vibes.

Whereas Ethan was the free-spirited badass. He was tough, independent and serious. He was wearing slim black jeans and a light grey muscle-fit sweater. His hair was slightly jelled but still rough-looking, screaming 'I'm a guy who doesn't give enough shit to spend hours on my hair because I've got better things to do'. He was taking my breath away with just one look my way. A look with those intense, green eyes. A look that said more than words could ever say. Too bad guys are all assholes...and love, for the most part, doesn't exist. Or it exists but is incredibly rare. Or it's unrequited. 

"You're really pretty" Blondie smiled down at me, as we swayed to the music. I laughed, bending down to pick up my glass. It was a mix of random alcoholic beverages I found in the kitchen. Might as well add more variation to the already unique concoction I had in my system.

"I'm surprised a girl like you is at Noah's party" He added, watching me down the mix of vodka and a couple more drinks. I downed the remainder of the mixture, ignoring him a little longer. Ignorance is bliss, isn't that what they say? An image of Ethan's green eyes popped into my mind and I shook my head, stumbling a little. The blonde, nameless dude, wrapped his arms around me and I laughed some more. It was officially getting a little too messy for my liking. But I was way too drunk to stop myself.

"I'm here to ruin his life" I grinned, drunkenly pointing at Ethan. The blonde dude looked at him with a knowing look in his eye.

"Ethan? Yeah, I know him" He nodded.

I scrunched my eyebrows, his words registering in my brain."Then I don't wanna know you!" I stabbed his chest with my finger. He laughed, catching me as I nearly fell backward.

"Why do you want to ruin his life?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrows."You have the nerve to question me?" I gasped.

"I'm afraid I do" He nodded, laughing awkwardly. I put a hand to my mouth, trying my best to look shocked. I probably looked stupid, let's be real.

"How rude!" I shook my head, wiping a fake tear.

"You're a great actress" He chuckled, still holding me up so I wouldn't topple over. Suddenly, I was pulled away from blondie and thrown over someone's shoulder. What's with people throwing me over their shoulders today?

"Thanks, I'll take it from here" My abductor spoke to blondie. He had a deep familiar voice, and I couldn't help but feel like I've heard it many times before. I might've been slightly too intoxicated, to be able to remember where I heard it or haven't. What? Whatever.

Blondie waved at me and walked off into the crowd."Put me down" I muttered into my abductor's back, feeling the alcohol whirl around in my stomach. One sudden movement and everyone would be covered in processed booze.

"No" He replied.

I groaned, loudly.

"Hey, moody fucker!" Quinn barged into the situation, thankfully. She blocked our way, waving her hand in my abductor's face. I stretched up and twisted my body to see him better. Oh, crap.

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