Chapter 1

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My eyes shot open, immediately blinded by the scorching sunlight coming in through the window. Well, shit. I had forgotten to draw the curtains closed last night when I came home from work.

"Yeah yeah," I shouted, flipping my legs over the side of the bed. With one quick look in the mirror, I realized I shouldn't have taken that night shift yesterday. My head was spinning from only two hours of sleep, and my eyes were red and puffy. Not the best appearance for the first day back at school after summer.

"Don't yeah yeah me, get your skank ass downstairs and out that door or I'll drag you down here!" Nick demanded from the first floor, his voice was somehow loud enough for me to hear him clearly. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic threat. 

Wouldn't be the first time, Nicky-Dicky.

"Do you hear me?" He was much closer now, his heavy footsteps nearing my bedroom door. Oh, can you just drive right off a bridge? That would be great, thanks.

Ignoring the burning rage in my chest threatening to explode, I quickly slipped into my robe. I listened to his footsteps as he came right up to my door. I gulped, quietly. Did I forget to lock my fucking door last night? 

"I said, yes" I replied coldly, despite how scared I actually was. He was so close I could hear his heavy drunken breathing. "That's much better" He chuckled, pleased with himself.

This school year better hurry up and end, before I decide to jump out the window and end my sufferings once and for all.

I grabbed my hairbrush as I headed right into the bathroom to get ready for school. Despite how much I loathed school and the people in it, I still had to at least try and graduate. If I failed to graduate, what chance would I have left of leaving this hellhole? As I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I couldn't help but let my mind wander. 

How can my mother live with herself? How can a grown woman come home from work to see her daughter beaten to a pulp, and not do anything about it? How can she live with that?

I asked myself these questions almost every day but I could never come up with a good enough answer for any of them.


I groaned, slipping into my favourite black biker jeans. Some days I wished I could just run away and forget I ever lived like this. But I knew it wasn't that simple. I was far too smart to become a high school dropout living on the streets of God only knows where. I knew I had to graduate, to get somewhere in life. To live a decent life, not my mother's or my father's life.

I pulled a black long sleeve top over my head and shoved my feet into grey combat boots. This was always my staple outfit, despite what the popular bitches at school thought about it. I would rather be stabbed to death than wear their atrocious miniskirts and crop-tops. It was all a cheap show for the degenerates in our school, also known as the jocks.

Before leaving my bedroom, I took a quick look in my mirror. I sighed at my appearance, examining every feature. I look about as exciting as a 3-hour long youtube video of paint drying.

I grabbed my backpack and stormed out of the room, mentally preparing myself for what was waiting for me not only downstairs but also in school. 

Here's to another year of suicidal thoughts and crippling depression! Yay, can't wait. I smirked at the thought, my cynical humor never ceases to surprise me.

"Would you look at that! You actually made it down the stairs..." Nick snickered, swaying an almost empty bottle of beer in his hand. I looked down at his feet and spotted three empty bottles already laying there. And it's only 7:40 am. Fantastic.

"Who's gonna drive me to school?" I asked, calmly. I knew I wasn't allowed to take the car anymore, because Nick said so about a week ago. There was no explanation for it. He just knew that I needed it, so he convinced my mother I did something horribly wrong and she believed him. I mean, I'm not surprised that she did. She always believes all the crap he talks about me.

"Your sorry ass can walk to school today" He shrugged, turning the TV on. I watched as he scratched his ugly beard carelessly. Palms curling into fists, my sharp nails dug into my skin.

"I'm going to be late'' I gritted my teeth as I spoke. He laughed, wholeheartedly. 

What a fucking dickhead!

"Do you really think I care? It's not like I'm gonna give you my car...we both know you can't have nice things. I mean, look at that phone of yours!" He sneered, eyeing the phone in my hand. The screen was slightly shattered, but it still worked. It fell out of my pocket three days ago, when Nick dragged me up the stairs by my hair. I'm not sure what he was mad about that time, but it was enough for him to go off on me once again.

"Ok, fine!" I spat out, not really caring if he would get mad at my attitude. I walked out of the living room and into the hallway, quietly taking the car keys off the hook. I needed to get to school and it didn't look like I had any other options. So, here goes nothing.

"Have fun walking, sweetheart!" He chirped.

Oh, don't you worry. I will.

I smirked, opening the front door and estimating the time I needed to quietly hop into the car and speed off without raising suspicion. I took a deep breath before stepping outside and racing to the car. In a heartbeat, I was speeding away from the house with the best adrenaline rush I've felt in a long time. But I couldn't help but think of the consequences as I drove to school. I knew I was probably going to get a sickening black eye or some ugly bruised ribs but I couldn't help not caring so much about it as I usually would. It was nothing I haven't had done to me before. He won't kill me only because I took the car and that was enough for me to stay calm.

I've done way worse.

I turned into a parking spot and quickly got out of the truck. First period was going to start in about ten minutes, so I knew had to run.

I always liked getting there early to avoid being looked at too much. People in my school have always made up rumors about me throughout my high school years. I mean, yeah I look rather rough most of the time and I never talk to anyone except the occasional fight that breaks out between me and some typical bimbo. But that doesn't give anyone the right to butt their nose into my business and spread rumors.

As I threw my bag over one shoulder, I caught a glimpse of my bruised collarbone in the reflection of the dirty car window. Great, just what I needed.

Groaning, I unzipped my backpack. I pulled out my leather jacket and slipped it on, successfully covering just enough of my collarbone to hide the bruise. Now I'm going to roast to death wearing this heavy jacket all day long. Ugh.

Nevertheless, I swiftly strolled into school. As per usual, I had to try my best to ignore all the usual gossipers at the entrance. Same shit, different year.

"Did you see her eyes? She's totally high. I guess nothing changed over summer" One of the wannabe bimbos whispered to another wannabe bimbo.

''Are you kidding me? I heard she was in rehab all summer!'' The other wannabe bimbo gasped like the spastic dumbass she is. I smirked as I strolled passed them.

At least one thing never changes in my life. 


And this year, I'm not gonna give a single fuck about them.


Lauren German as Melanie Deen in this story.

Saving Melanie DeenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin