Chapter 10

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Blinding sunlight filled the spacious bedroom as I opened my eyes and shoved my head under the mountains of pillows. Morning...already?


I jumped at the sound of Ethan's voice and he snickered at my reaction. "What the hell?!" I exclaimed, throwing a pillow at his smug face. He caught it with one swift movement, laughing melodically at my pathetic attempt.

"Good morning to you too" He chirped, averting his attention to the game he as playing. I groggily looked up at the humongous TV screen on the wall. Why the hell is this boy playing games at the buttcrack of dawn?

Questioning his sanity, my sleepy eyes searched the room for a clock.

"10:15 am" He blurted out.

"Really? We came home at 8 in the morning..." I rubbed my eyes, yawning. No wonder I'm so tired. I hardly got any sleep!

"It's Monday, not Sunday" He informed me.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets."I slept through an entire day?" I gasped, staring at the ceiling in confusion. 

"Yup" He nodded, popping the 'p' smoothly.

"How the...hell?" I spoke to no one in particular, rubbing my sleepy eyes again.

"You must've been sleep deprived, or something" He shrugged.

"I guess..." I grunted, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. It's Monday, meaning I slept in and didn't go to school. Groaning, I grabbed a fresh set of clothes and headed for the bathroom.

I caught Ethan's eyes on me and immediately stopped in my tracks, waiting for him to notice the unimpressed look on my face. His green eyes traveled up the length of my legs, lingered on my chest, and finally...they landed on my face.

I raised a questioning eyebrow, only to see him smirking like never before. "What? Black satin suits you" He commented cheekily, before turning back to the TV once again.

"Sure..." I muttered, heading into the bathroom. What a perv.

I turned the shower on and quickly slipped out of the nightgown. Stepping under the scorching hot water, I let my mind wander wherever it wanted to wander.

Before falling asleep, I couldn't help but think about what Ethan said to me. I kept looking at my scars and I honestly tried to see strength in them...But I failed, like every other time. All I saw was my weakness. I couldn't help but feel as if Ethan was just doing everything to prove a point to me. He lacked sincerity, in my opinion. But maybe that's just my trust issues talking?  I just couldn't believe that a person could change their attitude towards another person so quickly. One minute he hates me, the next minute he gives me a room in his mansion. Something seemed off. Maybe he just realized he was wrong?

I shook my head, the water spreading through my hair. He never noticed me throughout all the years of high school and now he's punching every guy who lays a hand on me? Then he's telling me about body confidence? Pffft! Something's definitely up.


"I'm going to go sort some things out" Ethan popped his head into the room. I looked up from my phone."Do you want anything from the store? The fridge is empty" He asked, eyeing the phone in my hand. I put it down, rolling my eyes at his suspicion from my every move.

"Emm...I don't know" I shrugged, stretching my stiff arms. I had been glued to this bed all day, doing nothing you could call productive.

"You need to eat something" He stepped in, making his way to the window. I groaned as he opened the blinds. I'm not used to wall-length windows, okay?!

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