Chapter 11

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"Nick has been brought in for drugs" Tyler informed me through the phone. I knew for a fact that he only had a drinking problem. I never noticed him high or any using any drugs. My mom was the all-around addict, taking every kind of drug. 

"What is he saying?" I asked, looking at Ethan with a dumbfounded expression. He motioned for me to put the call on speaker. I shook my head, sticking my tongue out at him. Ethan rolled his eyes and leaned in closer to me so he could hear the conversation.

"He's saying that he was framed by his dumb stepdaughter and her fuck buddy" Tyler muttered, clearly done with my endless problems. Ethan raised his eyebrows at this."Didn't know I'm your fuck buddy" He whispered, smirking. I slapped him, hard.

"So, what now? Am I going to be brought in?" I asked, biting my lip. Ethan looked down at my lips. I punched him, lightly. Not exactly the time for his hormonal behavior.

"No" Tyler groaned. I finally put him on speaker, trying to get Ethan interested in something else.

"How come?" I wondered.

"Because I kind of...kicked his ass" Tyler sighed. My eyes widened at his words, taken aback. Why would he do that for me?

"What?! Why?" I asked, noticing how Ethan stiffened at Tyler's words.

"He told me everything and I...just couldn't listen to it. So I just kicked his ass and pretended it was self-defense. He's locked up now, don't worry" Tyler explained. I could hear him make a few steps, before plopping down on what sounded like a couch or a bed.

"So, that's it? He's locked up for good now?" I asked, failing to hide my childlike excitement.

"Seems to be that way, yes" He sighed.

"Oh my god," I stared at nothing in particular, trying to handle the information."What about my mom? Does she know?" I asked, remembering that she still existed.

"Yeah, she caused a big scene"

I rolled my eyes. Of course, she did.

"She said that you framed him and that you're not someone to trust. The doctor's said she's free to go next week, so she's going to try and get him out" He spoke slowly.

I pressed my lips into a thin line, my excitement disappearing all of a sudden. I'm not one to trust? And you are, Vicki?

"What did you tell her?" I asked, keeping my voice calm.

"I told her that the neighbors haven't seen you at the house since the accident, so it can't be anything to do with you" He proceeded. The neighbors were involved?

"She said it can't be true because you've got nowhere else to go" He sighed. I laughed, my tone was humorless. Take that, bitch. I do now.

"So, in the end, she threw a fit and the doctors told me I can't talk to her anymore until she's stable" He ended his rant. I let out a sigh of relief, rubbing my temples. Nick is gone from my life? And my mom isn't my problem anymore? It'll take a few minutes to let that settle in.

"So..." I cleared my throat, trying to find the right words to say."Are you still going to report the abuse?"

Tyler stayed silent for quite a while."Do you want me to?" He finally asked. I glanced at Ethan's fists, noticing how white his knuckles have turned from the pressure of gripping the steering wheel so tightly.

"No, please don't report it!" I pleaded.

"Then I won't" He finalized, sighing.

Tears welled up in my eyes, relief washing over me."Thank you, so much" I whispered into the phone. Ethan suddenly got out of the car, angrily slamming the door shut behind him. I watched as he sat down on the hood of the car and lit a cigarette. What's his deal?

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