Chapter 47

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I yawned and stretched my arms out as my phone started to ring, knocking me out of my deep sleep. The couch I had been sleeping on was actually pretty comfortable, so it was hard not to doze off into a 'sleeping beauty' kind of sleep.

I groaned loudly, searching for the ringing phone in my jungle of bedsheets and blankets. That's what I get for listening to depressing songs before I fall asleep...

''Hello?'' I picked up, forgetting to look at the caller id. Whoever it is, clearly has a death wish. Who in their right mind calls this early on a freaking Saturday?

''Melanie, listen I have to tell you something. I'm technically not supposed to...yet, but you need to know now'' Tyler rushed out, his throat running dry. I could hear him hurrying and his breathing was ragged. He was clearly stressed out of his mind. Which was unusual.

''What happened?'' I groaned, feeling confused. I sat up, running a hand down my face in an attempt to wake myself up.

''There was a call a few minutes ago...'' He began, choosing his words carefully. It sounded like he shut his car door with force and I furrowed my eyebrows. He's on duty and needs to tell me something that I'm not supposed to know yet? What the hell is happening?!

''It's your mom, Melanie''

I froze, staring at nothing in particular as I tried to understand him. My mom? What about her? Is she going to jail?

''Melanie, I'm sorry'' He sighed deeply and I could hear the engine of his car coming to life. I gulped, not knowing what to expect next. Trust Vicki to turn my whole world's what she does best.

''She died''

It's what she's what she did best.


''And I was like wooooooow,'' I slurred, trying to tell a random story as I sipped my whiskey.''You're such a fucking asshole! Ya know?'' I laughed carelessly.

The stranger who sat on the barstool next to me laughed along with me.''That's wild, girl!'' She downed her shot, making a face as the liquor traveled down her throat.

''Oh, if only you knew j-just how wild my life is...'' I waved her off, hiccuping in the process.

''Melanie,'' Meg's stern voice brought me back to my senses and I snorted. With that, she grabbed my whiskey glass and poured my beloved brown liquid into the sink.''I think that's enough for you...'' She muttered under her breath.

I stared at her, emotionless.

''That was rude'' I pointed out, giving the girl a 'did you see that?' look

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''That was rude'' I pointed out, giving the girl a 'did you see that?' look. She shook her head, sipping on her new drink.

''Stop this, whatever it is you're doing'' Meg sighed.

''Or what?'' I laughed, struggling to keep my head up as I stared into her pitiful eyes. Pity. It disgusted me.

''Or...'' Meg shook her head, trying her best to keep calm.''Or I'll kick you out. I can't have an alcoholic living with me. We'll get our apartment taken away, you know our neighbors!'' She ranted, her face growing angrier by the second.

Aaaaaaand she failed. Oopsies!

''Oh, calm down! An alcoholic? Me?! Are you hearing yourself? I have one drink with a friend and suddenly I'm an alcoholic...'' I laughed, feeling great. The girl beside me giggled, drinking her cocktail with a dazed look on her face.

''It's been five days, Mel''

I stopped laughing, my eyes meeting Meg's again. She looked completely broken once her eyes finished analyzing me. Jeez...I knew I looked bad but that look was brutal.

''Well, shit!'' I exclaimed, shocked at the news.''Call me Vicki Deen cause' I'm a fucking alcoholic now!'' I laughed again, almost falling off the barstool. The girl steadied me and I gave her a sloppy hug.

''Melanie, enough!'' Meg slammed her fist on the counter, making the people in the booth closest to us jump a little.

''Shit....take it easy, Meg! You're gonna scare away all the customers'' I shook my head, giving them a drunk apologetic smile.

''Get out of here'' She spoke again, her tone was ice cold now.

I looked at her, the smile never leaving my face.''I thought you'd never ask'' I winked and jumped off the barstool. The girl tried to stop me but I had no reason to stay any longer. I got exactly what I need and now I could leave without a heavy heart.

I was ready.

I was ready to be gone forever.


I woke up on a bench in the park, shivering as if it were winter.''Shit...'' I groaned as I sat up, my head spinning with a killer hangover tinge to it. I looked down at my wrists, noticing sloppy incisions on them. Wow, Melanie. You can't even do the job right. Can't say I'm surprised.

''Ma'am, are you alright?'' A polite voice interrupted my thoughts and I looked up at the person through the mess I had on my head. Was I rolling through bushes or something last night? My hair was a tangled mess and it seemed as if my clothes were covered in a mix of mud and blood.

''I'm fine, thank you'' I smiled, not meeting the man's concerned gaze.

''If you say so, ma'am. Take care'' The man sighed and continued on his way to wherever he was going. I stared after him, feeling the hole inside my soul grow larger.

I didn't deserve all these people around me. Not just this stranger, who cared enough to ask if I was okay. I didn't deserve my friends. Tyler went out of his way to help me so many times. Meg and Dylan have been doing everything they could for me, ever since her father died. Quinn and Trent always check up on me. Even Jackson has been there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Ethan...Ethan is a whole other story.

Ethan made me feel alive again. He made me believe in love...he made me feel loved. Yes, he made a few mistakes along the way but we all do. I could never stay mad at him forever.

But I knew I didn't deserve any of them. I was an unwanted child who should've never been brought into this life. I was crushed from childhood and there was no chance of getting out of that swamp. I was destined to end like my mother. Look at me! I'm already halfway there.

  What had I ever done to deserve the concern and pity of so many people? Nothing. I was just a dead dealer's daughter. Oh, and a dead druggie's daughter too now!

Life was a dream...and I desperately wanted to wake up.

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