Chapter 22

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"So what are you going to do about it?" Quinn asked, popping another chip into her mouth. I paused the movie, sighing. What could I do? If he doesn't want me around anymore...I guess I'll just move out.

"Move out...?" I asked myself, out loud. She snorted, shaking her head. With one swift motion, her red hair was in a perfect messy bun.

"Look" She began. Here we go again...

"I said this before...and I'll say it again" She shrugged, grabbing a can of diet coke from her nightstand."He's really shady. And you said it yourself, he was nervous when he lied about the plumbing shit. So how about...we see for ourselves" She smiled, her eyes twinkling in an evil way. I wondered if she ever dressed up as the devil for Halloween. The red hair and all the evil smirking...suits the role.

"What are you thinking?" I raised an eyebrow. She grabbed her phone, still wearing that evil smile. Furrowing my eyebrows, I tried to predict what she was going to do.

The person on the other line answered and her face lit up."Trent! I was wondering if you could help me out" She quickly ran into the bathroom and shut the door before I could even get up off her bed.

I marched up to the door."Quinn! What the hell are you up to?!" I banged on the door, only to hear her shamelessly flirting her way to success. There was one thing I knew for sure. I was really not used to all this teenage girl behavior.

The door opened and I came face to face with a grinning Quinn."What? Are you going to thank me or...?" She looked at her nails, smugly.

"For what?" I raised an eyebrow.

She let out an exasperated sigh."Seriously, girl. I love you and all that...but you're so slow" She dragged out.

"Bitch" I slapped her arm, hard.

She winced, rubbing the spot with a frustrated expression."What the hell?! You should be thanking me! Falling at my feet and all that!"

I scoffed.

"Fine. I'll explain" She rolled her eyes."I know what's the deal with Ethan. And you'll probably be super mad...but at least now, we can plan your revenge"

I raised both eyebrows.

"So...he's throwing a party" She bit her lip, waiting for my reaction. A party? "And not just any party" She added, worry taking over her features."Apparently, it's going to be hella fancy...for like rich people"

My mouth popped open.

"Rich people?" I scrunched my face up in disgust."So he didn't want me to come home...because I would stand out like a sore thumb among his rich-ass buddies??" I spat.

Quinn's face went from worried to scared."Trent said they had a fight about you...because apparently Ethan thinks that Trent wants to get in your pants. That's why he told me everything so easily" She explained. Trent? Going after me? I think Ethan must've been hit on the head with something hard while I was in the hospital.

"So what is your revenge plan?" I asked, thinking about every way I could beat Ethan up with random heavy objects.

She walked into her closet and disappeared for a good 5 minutes. She appeared, holding two dresses in her hand."My mom used to buy me all these expensive, rich-people dresses for their work-related events" She huffed, rolling her eyes."So I have these two extra fancy dresses..." She hinted, smirking like the evil genius she was.

"Are you saying...?" I stared at the dresses in awe.

She nodded, throwing the dress onto my lap."We're crashing the bad boy's party" She smirked, her eyes wild with mischief. This girl was going to be the end of me. No, seriously. I swear she'll get me killed eventually.

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes.

She cheered, jumping up and down like a maniac."We're going to look like rich bitches!"

That'll be a first for me.

I laughed along with her, taking a look at the dress. I mean, it certainly looked hella expensive. And that was something I had never said about any item of my clothing.

This could go two ways. We would either get thrown out by the security. Or we'd successfully ruin the rich-people party and Ethan would sulk like the little bitch that he is. Okay, who was I kidding? Ethan would probably just get really mad and bite our heads off. But hey, at least we'll go down with a bang, right?

"Are you sure I can wear this?" I wondered out loud."Is your mom not going to freak out or something...?"

She snorted, grabbing the dress she picked out for herself. She walked up to the mirror, smirking."Nope! She probably doesn't even remember that she bought it. With all the pills she pops every day" She laughed, putting the dress up against her frame.

I looked at her, thinking her words through. She always seemed so happy. How can she do it? How can she be so happy with all the shit happening around her? "What?" She asked, frowning."Does it look bad?

I shook my head, immediately."No! It looks amazing. The black really makes your hair stand out!"

She smiled, looking at herself again."Yeah, I always liked the way black clothes made my hair look. I'm so glad I dyed it" She sighed.

"What was your natural color?" I wondered.

She made a gagging sound before laughing loudly."It was this ugly mix of my mother's bright blonde hair and my dad's strawberry blonde hair. Like, I had patches of the two all over my head. I felt like a frickin' Dalmatian" 

I made a face, imagining it."Wow, that sounds rough" I laughed.

She nodded, looking at a picture on the wall."He had mom's blonde hair" She smiled at the picture. I stood up to look at it. It was a beautiful picture of a young, blonde boy. He was holding a newborn baby and smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"Is that you?" I asked, looking at the tiny baby.

"Yeah. They brought me home from the hospital that day. And he literally nearly peed his pants. That's how excited he was to see me" She laughed."I used to love asking grandma about him. She would talk for hours. Unlike my parents..."

"I never had grandparents. But I did ask my mom once if she knew anything about them. She just said that they might as well be dead because to her, they don't exist" I frowned.

She looked at me, her eyes sad."So you never heard anything about them?" She asked.

I shook my head."And I never got the chance to ask my dad" I shrugged.

She sat down on the bed."What if we find them?" She wondered.

My eyes nearly fell out of their sockets."What?!" I panicked.

"We could at least try. What if they're lonely? Maybe they were just young and stupid? Maybe they really want grandkids?" She bit her lip, thinking hard. I was starting to feel nauseous. She noticed my expression and held her hands up in defense."Just a thought!" She said, quickly.

I shook my head, grabbing the dress she gave me."We need to get ready for this plan first. Then, we'll see about the next one" I chuckled, trying to lighten up the situation. In reality, I was terrified. What if they were exactly like my mom? What if they didn't want anything to do with me? My mother called herself an orphan all her life...what if they were dead? My father never said anything about his parents in his letter. All my life, I believed that my parents were orphans.

What if that's not exactly true?

Saving Melanie Deenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن