Chapter 33

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Ethan's P.O.V

I was going to rip his intestines out and feed them to the wolves. I would surely make him regret ever crossing my path. He didn't know what was coming his way.

"Chill out, bro. You're going to break the steering wheel" Trent patted my shoulder, trying to get my attention. I shrugged him off, angrily.

I couldn't fucking chill out.

Melanie was taken by Mark. By Mark. The guy who killed my sister. The guy who killed Nathan. How could I know that she was okay? I couldn't even find her. I didn't even know where to look for her.

Mark was a sly asshole. He definitely wasn't stupid. He wouldn't keep her in his own house. He had many coverup 'businesses'. He would have no problem keeping her there. They were a great disguise for the vile things he did for a living. No one would suspect a thing. 

Those businesses were the reason why it was so hard for the cops to get him. He had built himself a great coverup story, making him almost untouchable. Keyword- Almost.

After seeing the footage, I immediately called the cops. They said that it was a good opportunity to finally close in on Mark and his gang. And I knew it was. I could fucking feel it in my bones. So it was my job to get everything set up. I couldn't ruin this. Everything had to be perfect. If it wasn't, Mark would get away with everything again. And I couldn't let that happen. Not this time. Not when he had Melanie.

"I need to figure this out. We need a plan and a good fucking one..." I muttered under my breath, taking a sharp turn onto an emptier road. Trent swung to the side, almost hitting his head on the window.

"Okay, and we will. But to think straight and to come up with the plan, you need to calm down-"

"Do you not understand? He has her! He has Melanie. The guy who killed my sister, the guy who killed Nathan... has Melanie. And we don't even know where he's keeping her" I cut him off, gritting my teeth. It made my blood boil. Just the thought of her being hurt because of me. It made me want to rip Mark's throat out with my bare hands.

At that point, I knew that what I was feeling for her... wasn't just friendship. I had never felt that way about any other girl. She was everything and more. And I couldn't stand the thought of losing such a special person. Not now, not ever.


Melanie's P.O.V

"There's a lot of trouble because of you, Melanie Deen"

I lifted my head, squinting at the blinding lights. It was Mark. He stood in front of me with an exhausted yet still overwhelmingly evil expression on his face.

I guess the little minion went bonkers and wouldn't be back anytime soon."It runs in my blood" I smirked, my voice coming out dry and raspy. I knew how to press his buttons by then. Apparently he hated my father. Perhaps just as much as he hated Ethan.

"Oh, believe me...I know" Mark lit a cigar, sitting on the couch I had slept on previously.
But that was when George was here. And now he's dead. Because of me.

"Your boyfriend wants to meet up. Apparently, he has an interesting deal for me" He smirked, cockily. I snapped my head towards him, at the mention of Ethan's name. Did he know that Mark had me? Did he figure it all out? Was he going to come and get me?

"Oh come on! Don't be so foolish. He doesn't know you're here. He has no reason to think so! I have always shown him my respect for him in this, shall I say, business? So, my dear Melanie, he would never think that I could turn against him" He explained, smoking his cigar and studying my facial expressions.

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