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With the roll of your eyes you gripped the window ledge, the feeling of broken glass digging into your fingertips stung, but did nothing to cease your movement.
The moment you pulled yourself through, your flat bottomed shoes made a slapping noise against the concrete ground beneath your feet, making you flinch before looking around you, worried someone had heard you.

It was surprisingly warm inside despite the condition of the poorly constructed walls; steamy, like someone was cooking.
Along with the abnormally warm sensation, there was also an eerie darkness, no lights could be seen hanging from the ceilings or positioned along the walls, but there was a light illuminating from somewhere, giving a yellowish green tint to the place.

It was weird.

"I think we shoul—" A deep voice whispered as you felt something graze your shoulder. You were already paranoid as is, and having someone come up to you undetected was not sitting well.

"WHO THE FUCK?!" You couldn't help yelling, even after going through all the trouble of entering so stealthily. The grip of a warm, gloved hand quickly pressed itself against your lips, silencing you as they pulled you against their muscular form.
The back of your head head was pressed against their chest and shoulder as you tossed your head back and forth, but something about the situation felt wrong.

"Remind me to stay away when you get all paranoid." The voice beside your ear coldly spoke, making your body relax against his own as you recognized the smell of a particular cologne. He slowly removed his hand when he realized you had calmed yourself, pushing you softly off him so you could turn and finally face him.

"I didn't even hear you enter, at least give me a goddamn warning next time." You spat, frustrated with how on edge you were today. On top of being somewhere you weren't comfortable with, about to see people you didn't know, you should have recognized 47's voice the moment he spoke.

"Where did you learn such a colorful vocabulary?" He jokingly remarked, clearly noticing the change from when the pair of you first met.
Of course a certain brash blonde popped in your head, his own vocabulary reminding you how limited it was, but you counted on the "extras", "die", and "fuck you"'s that escaped his lips on the daily.
On the other hand, your guard wasn't so cleanly spoken either, the occasional "for fuck's sake", "shit", and "damn it"'s that he'd grumble to himself in hopes you wouldn't hear.

"Probably learned it from you." You deadpanned, turning away from him before he could even answer, not that he was going to anyway.


As if your short conversation had never happened, the pair of you began walking cautiously down the barely lit halls, peeking over your shoulder every few seconds.

Your steps were slow, cautious, precise. You were too nervous to make a noise, to make a mistake, to cause trouble for both you and the man in front of you. Though you were walking a little slower than usual, it felt like you should have been moving like a snail, taking in everything around you... just in case.

It was easy to realize where you were headed; if you were planning on going in the direction of the odd light or whatever toxins were being baked, you definitely were going the right way. The smell was beginning to get stronger and you had to hold back the urge to both cough and vomit.
The halls were becoming brighter, even if by the slightest bit of illumination, and what made the whole situation most uncomfortable was how hot the building was getting. You could feel the slight perspiration gathering at the back of your neck, crown of your head, and even soaking into the gloves of your hands. In reality it could have been passed for anxiety sweats, but you refused to believe you'd sweat that much from a mere bit of anxiousness.

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