Principal Nezu

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Walking side by side with the dark haired male through the halls of U.A, you felt a more comfortable to be within his presence. Since the day you met him, you knew you could trust the man, but after all the chaos you had brought to his doorstep, you began to realize the extent you could.

Though he mentioned you were heading to get your uniform, you weren't exactly sure where. The winding hallways seemed to never stop, each one looking oddly similar to the last.

You couldn't help but ponder upon what Bakugou said, and though his use of language was questionable, it really helped you out,

Because he was right, those who matter won't care about your past or your abilities.


Aizawa didn't say much, and though the silence could have been interpreted as awkward, it was surprisingly comfortable. For a man who sleeps all day and refuses to bond with his students like other teachers, it was slightly shocking to find his presence so peaceful.

But speaking of his presence...

Didn't he have a class to be taking care of?

"Umm... Mr. Aizawa...?" You asked quietly, watching as his tired gaze met your curious one.

"Is a teacher watching over the class? Or did we just leave them by themselves?" You continued, watching for any sign of shock or worry on Aizawa's features.

"They're going to be heroes one day, I think they'll be fine if we leave them unsupervised for a few minutes." His assertive voice made him seem all-knowing, but you felt that you needed to remind him who exactly was in his class.

"But Mr. Aizawa... you do realize Bakugou probably started a fight with someone... or Mineta did something perverted... which would lead to everyone to beating the crap out of him..."
You only watched as your teacher's eyes widened further and further the more you spoke. It was true they were going to be great heroes one day, but they weren't there just yet.

You giggled softly as Aizawa let out an exaggerated groan, slouching slightly as you continued to follow him down the hall.


Midoryia's POV:

I was in shock.

The whole class was.

It didn't take long for everyone to process what they saw littered along Akuma's body, it was almost impossible not to notice.

The different shaped lines and circular marks could have passed for vitiligo there were so many.

How was it possible to have that many scars at such a young age?

Looking down at the lined blemishes on my own hand, I couldn't help but create a fist at the thought of how Akuma received all those, but I quickly stopped when the commotion started.

"Bakugou! Did you do that to Akuma?!" Mina yelled out of nowhere, standing up from her seat and marching over to the blonde.

"Piss off, I didn't do shit to her!" Bakugou yelled back, his fists clenched tightly as he stared at his classmate.

"WHY DOES SHE HAVE SO MANY SCARS ON HER ARMS?!" Mineta yelled in complete horror, his body shaking in his seat.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Half the class yelled in unison, his mere presence pissing everyone off as they stared daggers at him.

"Kaachan, what happened when you two fought?!" I asked as calmly as I could, his usual ferocious eyes watching me tiredly, yet intently.

At first he didn't say anything, quickly directing his gaze to his desk as everyone stood there, awaiting his answer. I was half expecting him to yell at me for even speaking up, but he seemed too exhausted to even do that.

"She..." His voice was softer than usual as it trailed off, his arm tentatively grasping what I assumed to be his injured shoulder.

"Nothing happened." He quickly, but sternly barked, turning his gaze towards the window.

"What do you mean nothing happened?! You were with recovery girl for half the day, and Akuma looks like she's been stitched together like a doll!" Kaminari yelled from his seat.

"I SAID NOTHING HAPPENED!" Bakugou shouted, standing up from his seat as explosions ignited from his palms.

"You expect us to believe that?" A cold voice spoke from the back of the room, everyone recognizing immediately who was speaking.


"Tell us what her quirk is." Todoroki continued to pry, the cold look in his eyes boring into Bakugou's furious gaze.

"Fuck off Icy Hot."

"How did she do that to you?" He continued, eyeing the shoulder Kaachan was previously holding.

"I told you to fuck off."

By now both Todoroki and Bakugou were standing only a few feet from each other, both of them looking as if one of them was going to be murdered today.

"Can't admit she beat you?"

With a growl, Kaachan spoke, his tone deadly,

"That's it, you're dead."

With that, he grabbed Todoroki's collar, threateningly letting off explosions close to his head. He looked as pissed as ever, but it seemed as if he was holding something back—like he wanted to say something.



Kirishima quickly interfered, using his quirk while grabbing Kaachan by his arms and pulling him away from Todoroki. Though he struggled in his grasp at first, he quickly relaxed and pushed Kirishima off him.

I watched as the blonde walked towards the door with his hands in his pockets, but what surprised me was what he said before he exited,

"It's not her fucking fault... we don't understand shit."

Most the class probably missed what he said, too shocked by the heated situation, and Kaachan's soft voice, but he looked hurt about what he witnessed today. On top of that,

This is the first time I've seen him defend someone so wholeheartedly.


Akuma's POV:

Finally reaching what seemed to be a classroom door, Aizawa pulled it open, revealing a large room with a small sitting area and a couple of desks off to the side.

Sitting on the blue colored couch was a mouse?

A bear maybe?

Whatever he was, he continued to sip at the pristine white teacup within his grasp as he looked at who entered the room,

"Ah! Aizawa and Akuma! Perfect timing, would you like some tea?"

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