A Fight Between Heroes

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"RUN!" Were the last sane words to leave your shaking form as you extended your arm outwards, hoping you'd grab onto something that would keep you grounded.

But the only thing you could sense between your fingertips were the thick particles of ash and smoke surrounding the area.

After your last futile attempt at saving a life, your body moved on it's own, and there was no stopping it as the only thing that plagued your mind was seeing Bakugou crumble to his knees. It didn't matter how much you tried to stop it, you weren't strong enough.

You growled to yourself as your kagune swung freely around your body, being both hungry and irritated was never a good combination, especially as a ghoul. Standing up and letting your arms fall to your sides, you could already smell the sweetness of nitroglycerin wafting in the air, leaving a nice trail to a certain blonde.

Licking your dry lips, your nimble form quickly darted towards that oh so sweet smell without a second thought, following the short trail that laid itself so gracefully in front of you. Your oddly colored eyes were widened in a sick excitement, your teeth baring themselves in a wicked smile, the knuckles of your fingers cracking nastily as your thumb pressed down on each of the extremities. Your ghoulish form didn't give a shit about anything happening around you, your eyes only on the prize. It didn't matter that you were still bleeding out profusely, or that the smoke was making your eyes water, you were going to kill somebody today.

You let out a sickening laugh, erupting the arena with your crazed voice. You could only hear the patter of one set of feet in the area, and you knew it was him, the smell was undeniable.

Your hair was wildly whipping behind you every step of the way, your unnatural body allowed you to reach unobtainable speeds, allowing you to cut through the air as swiftly as a knife through butter. Your dark eyes were set upon your goal, your eager kagune following quickly behind you, along with a trail of dust and a gust of wind. The further you ran, the more you could tell that the dust and debris was letting up, the air becoming clearer the closer you got to the male.

His smell was so close, it was the only thing your senses could focus on, the sweetness intoxicating to the point where you could probably see it. His body had to be so close, you could basically taste him by now.

"Well that makes things easier..." you giggled to yourself as your maniac eyes could make out a light silhouette in the smoke only a few meters in front of you.

Using the strength of your rinkaku, you lunged yourself in the air towards that sweet smelling body, watching as his spiky blonde hair came into view.

"WALKING AWAY LIKE A CHAMP NOW, ARE WE?" You taunted, yelling down at the boy who quickly whipped his head upwards towards you.

You watched in glee as his eyes widened in shock and horror, his body stiffening at the mere sight of your disgusting form.

"What the fuck..." his voice was weaker than usual—pathetic even.

"YOUNG BAKUGOU RUN!" A voice on the left yelled out, his aura becoming known with your keen senses.

"GET OUT OF THERE!" A second voice yelled, his aura not as powerful as the first.

Just as the male beneath you had his attention grabbed away by the powerful people coming to rescue him, you struck.

Your kagune pierced through the air, stabbing anything that got in the way, and that included your prey.

You watched in hysteria as a devilish smile made its way across your features. Everything seemed as if it was going in slow motion, your kagune seconds from piercing through the tender flesh of the crimson eyed male...

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