Why Him?

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Before you knew it, you found yourself walking down the empty halls of U.A, book bag tight to your back, skirt flowing along with each step. You could now move freely without hurling, or having that stabbing feeling in your stomach, but you still had a couple aches and sores.

47 was walking meters behind you, his distance unmistakeable. Though he seemed to be trailing you like a stalker, his presence was unbearable—you could feel his existence like waves crashing through the air. He was back to his original, stern self, only speaking when needed, and staying in the background more than anything. It was a weird feeling, someone who had opened up to you, cried before you, begged you to stay with him, now barely able to create a peep.

It was... upsetting?

Tugging your sleeves further down your arms in a fit of nervousness, you halted all movement when you reached the massive door labeled 1A. You could hear the slight booming voice of a certain number one hero, but otherwise, the room seemed relatively quiet despite your overly disruptive classmates.

Gingerly placing your gloved hand on the handle and sliding the door open slowly, you tried your best to not create a disruptive entrance like the first time you entered this classroom. Stepping through, your eyes immediately met the golden ones of the number one hero, his smile still present upon his features, but his eyes held a look of pity.

"Young Akuma! Its nice to see you well—" but before the male could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by many excited voices.

"Akuma! You're finally here!" Ashido yelled, standing up from her seat in a fit of enthusiasm.

"Bakubro and I knew you'd recover and be ready to kick ass soon!" Kirishima exclaimed, clenching his fist and thrusting it in the air excitedly.

"I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THAT EXTRA!" Bakugou defended, fuming in his seat.

"Kaachan, you're the one that said she was strong..." The tuft of Broccoli spoke up from behind him, trying to hide from Baku's evil glares.

You honestly couldn't help but smile at everyone's antics, they cared and actually were glad to have you back. A wide smile made its way upon your face, pure joy written in your expression as you let out a slight giggle. Between Bakugou's comments and everyone's enthusiasm, you just couldn't help it.

"Akuma... did you just... laugh?"

"That was so cute!!!"

"Kero, it was cute."

A massive blush made its way to your face and you decided it was about time to get to your seat before you embarrassed yourself further. Before you scurried off, you walked to the front of the room, causing all the commotion to stop as everyone's eyes were on you, every student wondering what you were planning.

Bowing lowly, you spoke softly, barely enough for everyone to hear,

"Thank you for caring about me."

With that, your combats scuffed the tiling as you jogged down the aisle to your seat. You didn't dare look at anyone as you took the supplies from your bag out, too worried about their reactions. You barely noticed as 47 walked down the aisle, taking refuge at the back of the room, his dark presence glooming over your own. You had to admit you were glad no one was asking questions about your guard's injuries, the bruising and welting across his face and neck were hard not to notice.

"Well, as you can see we are all glad that you're back with us Akuma. Today we will be focussing on more training, each of us getting ready for the upcoming Sports Festival. As said before, wearing your hero costumes is up to you and the situation, but we will be doing partner sparring with the use of quirks." All Might continued, his signature smile never leaving his face. You nodded to the man, happy to be back.


Everyone was out at the training grounds, most in their respective costumes—that including you. Your original mask was still not fixed, so you kept at it with the vinyl mask that covered the lower half of your face. You could care less what mask you used, it just had to be something that covered your blood-thirsty mouth.

All Might stood at the front of the group, most students attention on the large male—but you, your attention was on the male beside him: Aizawa Sensei.

He either was here to make sure the spontaneous class of U.A didn't accidentally (some purposefully) kill each other, or he was here to observe you. You already had a sneaking suspicion he was here to make sure you didn't fuck up, or make sure 47 didn't have to take extensive measures to calm you down, because he knew—he knew that 47's blood wasn't going to last you long enough. Training was going to take a toll on your body, and reenergizing yourself was not an option right now.

Your gaze snapped away from the shaggy teacher the moment the big man started speaking, his powerful voice breaking you out of your trance. All Might's presence was overwhelming, you couldn't help yourself. If you hadn't thought about sinking your teeth into his muscular arms, you'd be lying.

"Partners today had already been drawn, first team consisting of:

Kirishima v.s Sero, next being:

Jirou v.s Mineta, then,

Akuma v.s..."

All Might's voice paused a second, the space where his voice took over was completely gone, and you weren't the only one curious about what the problem was. You couldn't help but feel a shiver down your spine, an unwelcome feeling that something terrible was going to happen today. The number one hero took a quick glance over at the uncaring man beside him as he spoke the next name slowly and cautiously,

"Young Bakugou."

You thought hearing your name was terrifying, your eyes widening in complete fear, but hearing your explosive classmate's name right after yours... that really put you on edge, causing you heartbeat to race and your fingers to shake uncontrollably.

Taking a glance at the ash blonde a few feet behind you, you couldn't help but worry more as that look of intrigue covered his face. You knew he was a little surprised to hear your name alongside his, his widened eyes showing that, but he looked overall excited—and that frightened you.

He was competitive. He wanted to be the best.

You on the other hand wanted to curl up in a ball.

You already knew this wasn't going to end well, he knew what your quirk looked like, he knew how you used it, he even got front row seats for that incident. Yet here you were, unable to use the power he wanted to desperately see. He was strong, and if you were placed with anyone but him, you'd initiate hand to hand combat—but you got Katsuki fucking Bakugou, someone you weren't going to beat at close combat.

But you couldn't use it. You didn't want to hurt him, and you really didn't want that awful side of you to reappear.

It was evident All Might wasn't going to do anything to fix the situation, him continuing on with the partners for matches to come, so you looked for the next best thing: Aizawa Sensei.

Your eyes snapped to the front of the crowd, looking for a pair of unusually dark eyes, only to find he was already looking at you. You bore your eyes into his own, a look of plea and weakness in your helpless gaze. He knew it was too dangerous to do this, that someone was going to get hurt... or worse.

But he only stared back, the look of concern not leaving his gaze, but he did nothing to change the situation you were in.

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