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Your POV:

Your eyes groggily opened with the slight gooeyness stuck between your lashes—you must have been crying without even realizing it...

Trying to lift yourself up from the uncomfortable positioning you were left unconscious in, you gasped aloud in shock, pain, and terror.

Waking up to your body being covered in pools of blood was unsettling to the least—realizing it was your blood made it even more so.

The dark pools stained your clothing and skin, while your torso now held an alarming number of stitches, each of which were covered in a concerning amount of dried blood. Your head ached and you felt sick to the stomach. Whatever had happened while you were passed out really made you worry, especially when you found yourself hurling over the armrest.

The urge had become so sudden, you barely had time to process what was actually happening, but before you knew it—your body was flung over the barely cushioned armrest while your insides were coming up. The sight was in fact questionable, only ever having to regurgitate when given human food. The second thing that made this so memorable was the amount of blood you were hurling. Your eyes widened at the mess you made, realizing that most of the liquid was in fact—a red, thick fluid.

You panicked. Your eyes were tearing as you made out the only noise possible—a sniffle. The worst of the worst came to your mind, thinking that the doctors of this facility have finally done it.

They've finally figured out a way to kill you.

You couldn't help but have the urge to cry, scream, yell. You didn't want them of all people to be the ones who killed you, you wanted to live a little before heading to your deathbed. Surprisingly the only things you could think about were the people you got to spend time with. You wanted to see them once again, tell them how much each of them meant to you—even if you only just met them a day before. 47 and Aizawa-sensei both crossed your minds, in that they were the strong adult figures who tried to help you out—something you were quite thankful for.

The squeaking of the metal door broke your attention away from your tainted thoughts, you trying to wipe your lingering tears away before anyone else noticed.

"My little Akuma! Seems like you had quite the reaction..." Jack cooed, causing you to squirm a little in your seat.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that..." the man spoke, making his way closer to you.

"The Doc unfortunately said those side-effects should disappear after a couple of days with the immune system you have." His voice held a disappointed tone, which made you glad he couldn't achieve what he wanted to.

You sighed a little, a slight possibility of you living another day enticed you, it excited you to know you'd be able to see the outside world once again.


You couldn't help but keep Jack's words stuck in your head like glue.
Even if he claimed that whatever they did to you would ware off, you still had a voice in the back of your mind constantly telling you that something was fucked up.

Jack had left only around an hour before, your limbs now chained back in their usual spot on the wall. That feeling in your stomach never went away, your head felt light still, and the dried blood on your body was quite uncomfortable.

Your not sure what it was that made you feel like this. All of the years that you had gotten so used to the tortures of this building, you had built a sturdiness in your personality, making sure you never showed a weak part of you to anyone.

But today felt different.

You were scared.

Scared of dying, tired of trying so hard to keep yourself sane, to keep yourself from killing everyone.


Hot tears trailed down your face despite your annoyance with emotions, but today you were too tired to try and stop them.

Your could feel your lips and eyes begin to puff up from your ugly crying, and you couldn't help it.

You couldn't stop it. This feeling.

For once in your life you let go, you allowed yourself these few seconds to do what you held back for so long, scared your emotions would be taken advantage of.

Taking a small breath inward,

You screamed.

Tears forcefully made their way out of your eyes and down your damp, reddened cheeks as your eyelids shut themselves tightly closed.

Your voice cracked and echoed throughout your cell, even making your own ears hurt in the process. Your throat was becoming sore, but you kept the constant release of breath, of emotion. Your fists were balled tightly on the cold concrete floor where you tiredly sat. Your voice was as loud as you ever heard it, shocking yourself from the power you held, but didn't stop just yet.

You promised yourself you weren't going to stop until your breath ran out, until your throat felt like it was on fire, until your eyes could no longer water. Because you needed this, you should have done this a long time ago.

Your voice slowly calmed to a stop, the eerie silence almost feeling unnatural after screaming for what felt like hours.

Panting slightly, you allowed your body to become limp and collapse to the floor, your eyes slowly closing tiredly.

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