Let's Chat

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Aizawa's POV:

"I'm going to have to pass on the tea this time."

"Oh? Rushing off somewhere again, Aizawa?" Nezu asked with his usual smile.

"I'm going to need to check on the idiots in my classroom before they kill someone... or themselves." I responded with my usual tone, Nezu laughing slightly in his seat.

"Where's All Might? I'll probably have him watch the class... I need to be here when you talk to her." I quickly continued, torn by which task to complete first.

"He left not long ago, I think he said he was looking for Midoriya..."

Of course he was headed for that kid, makes my job easier, so I'm not complaining.
Turning my gaze to Akuma, I almost laughed at the odd expression on her face. She was staring so intently at Nezu, probably wondering what the hell he was.

"Akuma, will you be okay here for a few minutes? The only people here will be Principal Nezu and yourself, so you won't have to worry about other students or staff until I come back."

Her eyes were soft as she looked at me,
"Am I in trouble?"

"No Akuma! Not at all, I just wanted to get to know you better and make some plans for the future. I promise, everything is all right." Nezu assured, jumping from his seat and making his way over.

"Okay... Aizawa sensei, just promise you'll come back for me." She hesitantly pleaded, her gaze still timid.

"Will do kiddo."


The moment I closed the door behind me, I ran down the halls, the only thing on mind being the possible chaos erupting in the classroom.

"How do I forget what these kids are capable of?" I groaned to myself, just imagining Bakugou strangling Midoriya in the middle of class.
The mere thought was making me tired, and by this point I was hoping—pleading I wouldn't have to deal with any unnecessary bullshit.

Especially because I had bigger things to worry about.

Slamming the door of 1A open as dramatically as possible, I scanned the sea of students, watching in utter disappointment as not a single soul recognized the presence of a teacher.

What made it worse wasn't that they were being chatty teenagers, but that a roar of commotion could be heard the second I entered the class. It wasn't just gossiping, it sounded like arguing; fighting even.
Just as I predicted, it was most likely Bakugou at someone's throat again... but when I observed the scene a little better...

Kirishima and Todoroki were gripping each other's collars threateningly. Both of their quirks were activated, their uniforms glazed with a touch of frost, while the hand on Todoroki's uniform was hardened. The rest of the class were swarmed around the pair, yelling and shouting at each other like betters at a dog fight. A few were barking at the pair, trying to break up the tension in the room, but the attempts were futile.

"What makes her any more dangerous than you?!" Kirishima yelled, making my eyes widen as he tugged at his classmate's collar a little harder.

They couldn't already be arguing about her.

"What the hell is happening in here? All of you better have a damn good reason for whatever this is. Get back to your seats immediately." I yelled, my voice laced with irritation as I activated my quirk. The room warmed up as both boys let go of each other, shocked features upon both their faces. I watched as the rest of the students returned to their usual fearful looks whenever I was around.

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