Wake Up Call

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*I know Momo is supposed to be sitting behind Mineta and beside Todoroki, but I kinda wanted Akuma to sit there... I'll figure out seating charts later >_<

The terribly familiar sound of metal scraping against concrete woke you with a start. The light emitting through the room caused you to squint, only seeing a dark silhouette of someone in the doorway.

Beginning to lift yourself up slowly from the ground, you flinched when a pile of clothing was thrown your disoriented way.

"Head to the showers. You don't have much time before class begins."

With that, the door was pulled mostly closed, and even though you couldn't see who was standing there, you knew.

47 was back, and you had lived another day.

Your tired arms picked your sore body up as you realized the chains usually connected to your wrists and ankles weren't holding you in place like they should.

'What the hell? Did someone take them off when I was sleeping? I swear they were there the night before...'

Without another thought, you picked up your uniform, and hurriedly walked to the metal door that was left cracked open.

A smile appeared on your face the closer you got to touching the handle of the ugly green door, you really wanted to get the hell out of here.


Tying the dark laces of your combats tightly, you quickly stood up, not wanting to keep the man in front of you waiting any longer.

Before you knew it, you found yourself stumbling forward, trying to keep your balance. Your head had started throbbing the moment you stood up, your vision going blurry in the process. Gripping the sides of your head with your fingertips, you could make out the blurry person in front of you making his way towards your failing form.

Out of nowhere, like it was never there in the first place, the pain disappeared, your vision cleared and 47 stood inches away from your body. His eyes were curious, yet worried, and the second you showed any notion of being okay, he walked away without a word—almost pretending he didn't care about you in the first place.

You raised an eyebrow at his confusing antics, but nonetheless followed him as he lead you out of the facility.

When the pair of you got to the sleek black limousine you had gotten to remember so well, you frowned slightly at the person looking back at you through the reflection of the glass. The e/c irises staring back at you were slightly puffy and drained, showing your travels through hell and back. Your body appeared fatigued, almost sick looking, your s/c skin looking paler than usual, worrying you slightly.

You could see 47 through the reflection, his expression unusually soft looking as he looked at your form through the glass. With a groan, you opened the door and slid your beaten body inside.


The drive was quiet, not that it was usually loud, but it allowed you to admire the streets, trees, people and even buildings as 47 drove. You sighed contently to yourself, slouching slightly in your seat and placing your hand beneath your chin. To you, the city was beautiful and you wished you could see more of it one day.

You could feel the slowing of the vehicle as 47 eased on the brakes. Your tired eyes laid upon the massive building you learned to love. A small smile appeared on your face as you opened the door and stepped out, 47 following quickly behind you with your backpack.

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