Save Him

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"Hey look, it's my partners in crime!" You giggled as you made your way over to the redette and ash blonde.

Kirishima gave you a grin and Bakugou only grunted at your presence. You noted that the void was literally under the blonde's hands, making no attempt to break free due to the massive threats the wannabe hero was spitting.

"If I feel any fucking movement from you, I will blow your shitty ass up!" Bakugou threatened to the purple male under him, causing Kiri and you to smirk.

"Oooh. That doesn't sound very heroic!" Both you and the redhead chimed in unison, causing the pair of you to laugh aloud.



"Hey Bakugou, where'd you put my jacket?" You asked, starting to feel a little insecure about the way your torso looked. Both males had attempted to make subtle looks at your scarred and ruined skin, but it was quite obvious what they were doing. On top of the scars already there, your body was trying to heal the effects the hand freak's quirk had on you... and it wasn't going as planned. You're skin cracked with every subtle movement causing more blood to flow down your body—making it even harder to heal quickly.

"Oh actually! He placed it over there!" Kirishima pointed at the folded leather fabric laying in a grassy spot not too many meters away.

"Shittttt. Thanks you guys!" You exclaimed, giving the feral blonde a nice smile as you ran to grab your jacket.


You smirked as you noticed how neatly folded the material was, knowing how it went completely against his badass behavior.

"He must really care about us..." you laughed a little at yourself, remembering his threatening words to the villains.

You quickly picked up your clothing and slipped it on, closing it around your body as much as possible. You didn't want more prying eyes.

Even after retreating from the arena, you could still hear the fighting continuing. The clash of inhumanly strength against monstrous strength caused ripples through the air. It was mind blowing. You have never seen so much power produced by one measly fight. Though All Might had incredible strength, what he lacked was the ability to pierce one's insides—something where a weapon would come quite handy. All Might could bruise and batter muscles and skin, but you could rearrange organs if you so pleased...
If the monster had shock absorption, that would be the number one hero's downfall...

You sighed to yourself, growing quite bored of just standing around doing nothing. All the little villains were defeated, and you didn't want All Might to think you were some freak, so there really was nothing you could do.

That's what you believed, until one little movement screwed up everything.

One aggressive punch to the gut sent All Might to his knees. You could tell. You could tell he wasn't the same as he used to be.

You had only seen him on T.V when you were younger, but back then, he seemed like he had everything together. In this moment, he looked as if he was fighting desperately for his life. Something you'd never seen from this man.

"Nomu. Kill him." The blue haired male then pointed to a particular ash blonde who was keeping his hands on an important villainous comrade. Your eyes widened in shock as you watched how Nomu began to give his assignment a deathly glare. You couldn't let this happen. Not today.

You didn't have time to think, you didn't have time to speak, you needed to do one thing: save the boy you've been stuck with for the last couple of hours.

Your quirk acted on its own, knowing how desperate you were to help the male out. He deserved to live another day, the boy who's only lived sixteen years of his life. The male who wanted to become the number one hero so desperately. There was no way he could achieve his dreams if they all fell apart right here, right now.

You felt your legs moving on their own, the numbness of gliding through the air in an almost superhuman speed. All Might wasn't going to be able to save him. He had too much on his plate.

The wind scraped at your maskless face causing your eyes to water slightly, making your cheeks wet with tears.

Everything around you rushed past in a blur of different colors, the only thing clear was the objective in front of you— Bakugou. You watched as his crimson eyes widened in fear, him paying attention to the beast about to attack him, but you weren't letting that happen. Not today.

You outstretched your arm, so desperately wanting to touch the male. At least before that monster did.

His form was becoming closer and closer, your fingertips were so close to making contact. Nomu could be seen through your peripheral vision, his massive body cutting through the air uncleanly.

"FUCK YOU NOMU!" You yelled out as your body came in contact with another.

Both your arms were wrapped around the boy's torso as you felt your bodies fly a few meters away and collide with the hard ground.

You quickly got off the blonde, realizing you were practically hugging the boy, and offered him a hand up—but your hand was left quite cold.

"I didn't need you to help me."

You swallowed your thoughts and pride as you chose your next phrase very carefully. You could sense the shock rolling off him waves—his eyes still slightly widened at the events that just occurred, his crimson eyes revealing his lacking thoughts of self-worth. If you looked close enough, you could see how shitty he felt, how worthless.

"I know, but I'd rather have my measly life at risk than yours. You want to be a hero, don't you?"

"Tsk. I'm gonna be the best, don't think anyone will beat me."

"I don't doubt you'll be the number one hero, but what good is it if you died here?"

"Yeah, yeah I would've been fucking fine!"

Before either of you could say another word, a voice boomed throughout the USJ,


Your eyes widened as you looked over at the number one hero. He was a mess. His clothing ripping to shreds, blood staining his white shirt and tan face. That smile looked ever so grim as he tried to assure the students' safety.

'I'm going to have to help him!'
You took a few hesitant steps forward, but before you broke out into a run,

You smelled it.

The smell of people, gunpowder and blood filled bodies.

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