Round Two!

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Your legs felt like jelly at this point, but you couldn't even focus on the odd feeling. It was obvious you had been standing for too long, but seeing your classmates really excited you for once.
It was entertaining, in a good way.

Midnight was at it again, showing off her body as she both congratulated the students who made it thus far and chose the next event.

The large screen revealed 'Calvary Battle' to your eyes, the instructions and demonstrating images reminding you of the pool game where one person would sit on their partner's shoulders and try to knock all the other teams down.
Kinda looked like fun.

It was impossible not to feel bad for Deku, his headband being the highest points possible; something everyone was going to fight for—even his own friends.

And from the way everyone wavered from the greenette when teams were to be made proved your point even more, the greed and desire pooling from everyone's lustful gazes.

You had to admit it was probably better to try and snatch Deku's headband instead of defending it the whole time...
Nevertheless, you silently cheered for him, hoping he'd be able to pull through with his quirk and abilities—

But what was his quirk?


The sound of the starting gun startled you again while you were trying to figure out the greenette beneath your peeled gaze. His unruly hair is what you continued to stare at as he gripped his teammates for dear life, and you could tell he was silently pleading for a win.

You could smell the smoke rising in the air as the battlecry of a certain hothead echoed the stadium.
During the time everyone was choosing teams and whatnot, you were trying to remember all the training sessions and classes, trying to figure out if Deku had ever used his quirk.

It was really hard to tell whether or not he ever used his abilities since you were always missing from class, but you dont even think you knew what his quirk was.
It was really your fault for not trying to get to know him.

Let's be honest, you really knew nothing about male due to his timid personality and your desire to be unnoticed, and the only reason you even knew his nickname was because of the number of outbursts Bakugou had in class, screaming:

Maybe his quirk was very subtle, like enhancing one's senses or being super intellectual. Either way, you really regretted not trying to learn more about the green haired boy.

You continued to watch the match as complete chaos erupted; Deku yelling instructions every second, some blonde kid snatching headbands left and right, some tired looking kid with purple hair sitting on his teammates like a king on a throne, and Bakugou just straight up yelling his head off as he pounded poor Kirishima's head.

Though it was intense, each member fighting for their spots... it looked like fun.
Maybe you regretted not participating. Just a little.

Everyone was going after Deku, and even though you didn't recognize half of the kids there, it was impressive. Each quirk was unique and used differently to get what they wanted.
And no one was scared to use every one of their abilities, instead embracing them as much as possible.
Something you could never do.

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