The Other Side of You

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You hoped you heard him wrong.

You fucking hoped that 47 didn't just say what you thought he did.

That he wasn't trying to put useless hope into you, that same useless hope that got you here in the first place.

"47. Don't call me that name ever again."

Your eyes bore into the man across from you, and you didn't care about the circumstances of the situation, he needed to understand the dangers of using that name.

The name of your previous life.

The stern gaze you gave that man could pass as disgusted, even saddened if you looked close enough. Tears brimmed your already swollen eyes at hearing the precious name you held so dear at one point.

That name is what helped keep your sanity. What kept you from being Akuma for the remainder of your measly life. Years ago you would've done anything for someone to say that name again, but now, things have changed. That name you held so dear turned sour, and when you finally had the chance of hearing it out of someone's mouth other than your own, it felt wrong, hated even.

"I don't care what you call me—Akuma, Subject 66, so be it—but I never, never, want to hear that name again." Your voice was soft, yet stern as you watched 47's movements. He was shocked nonetheless, his now swollen, teary eyes, and flustered cheeks were uncovered from his gloved hands. He probably hoped you'd be thrilled to hear that name again, but your reaction showed quite the opposite. The man nodded his head slowly, showing that he understood the consequences of using such a name.

Your focus finally broke away from the male, your gaze now locked on the two other adults in the room. Both held shocked, confused faces as they gawked at your disheveled form. They didn't understand a single thing about what just happened, but they were obviously curious. Even despite Aizawa's usual lazy, not caring attitude, there was a small spark behind those dark irises that held his attention.

"Akuma, is that—your real name?" Aizawa's cold voice broke the momentary silence.

"That name means nothing to me."

"I would say, that name—means a lot more than nothing." He continued to pry.

"What's it matter to you?"

"'What's it matter to me?' In the past two days, should I mention, the only two days that you've attended this school—insane things have been discovered about you! In 48 hours, I haven't had this many questions about one of my students. Ever. And I tried to push it aside, and not worry about what's going on with one of my students under the care of the government may I mention, but the scars littered across your body does it. Littered isn't even the right word at this point! Your body is a scar! On top of that, your name. You asked me if I knew you, and it makes sense why I wouldn't know—you didn't go by your actual name." His cold gaze dug through you. He was waiting for some sort of reaction from you, but none came. You knew he was finally remembering the incident nine years ago, but you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of answering.

"Now, you are going to tell me what the hell is going on, as if I don't have a million other things to worry about right now."

"A-Aizawa sensei..." A soft, timid voice broke from your dry mouth. You didn't want to tell him anything else, he knew too much, and you hoped he'd stop prying.

"Don't try and get out of this by acting all scared. I've seen the way you've acted on a battlefield, you aren't some scared child. Now tell me." You couldn't help but widen your eyes at the man's observations, surprised that he caught on so quickly.

'The gig's up...'

"You're quite observant for someone who was on their death bed that day. What is it that you're dying to know?" Your voice had changed dramatically, it's soft tone gone, now replaced with confidence like no other, but what worried everyone the most was the crazed look in your eyes. Eyes that have seen horrors beyond compare.

That dangerous, second personality is finally revealing its face, something 47 didn't think was possible. He found himself guilty of your crazed state of mind, he blamed himself for what you had to go through for so many years, leaving him completely unaware of your state.

"Everything. But firstly, there must be some way to heal you, tell us what happened so we have an idea on what to do." Aizawa spoke up again.

"I can heal myself, but you don't want to know about that!" You laughed slightly, scaring those around you.

"Why wouldn't we want to know?" The dark haired male asked sternly.

"So it's true... your quirk and it's affects..." 47's timid voice broke the tension of the conversation you and Aizawa were going through.

"So you did read my damn file?" You disgustingly spoke.

"It can't be true though... I hoped it wasn't true..." He claimed pitifully, burying his head back into his gloves.

"Sorry to bust your bubble 47, but why do you think they call me Akuma?" You claimed with a sarcastic tone, a small smile on your face as you looked down at your guard.

"File? Akuma, they have a file on you? Where are they keeping you that would need a file?! Not a school file I can only assume..." Aizawa spoke.

"That'd be a scary ass school file! It's a file on me, my weaknesses, my quirk, abilities, eating habits, what's wrong with me, what I did to get contained in a godforsaken place like that, and how many people I've killed." Your eyes had a bored look to them, something the people in the room didn't understand—when did this new attitude awaken within you?

"'What's wrong with you?' 'People you've killed?' Akuma, be serious with us."

"You think I'm lying? Ask 47!" You gave the dark haired man a daggered look as you pointed at your guard.

Aizawa looked for any sign of disapproval from the man wilting on the ground against the wall, but the only thing 47 did, was nod his head, very slowly.

"So, you don't want to know how I heal myself. Just sayin'."

"I-I'm willing to let you take a bite—I am your guard, and I'm willing to protect you no matter what..."

Your eyes widened at his desire to give up part of his body for you, it was unsettling to say the least. You felt a wave of shame and sympathy wash over you, shocked that someone would do something like that for your well being.

"47–You can't—"

"A bite won't kill me." He claimed, looking you straight in the eyes. You felt bad for him, the pair of you were going crazy, but he was left in the dark about all this.

"What the fucking hell are you people talking about?!" Aizawa yelled, his voice making you flinch slightly.

"The way Akuma heals is from her quirk... many would claim that the powers she possesses are unstoppable, perfect even, but there is one crucial side effect..."

"What is it?" Your homeroom teacher was becoming impatient...

"She must consume human flesh."

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