"speak of the devil"

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chapter one: speak of the devil

chapter one: speak of the devil

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||...three weeks later...||

FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Adapting to life without Luke being a physical constant had proven to be one of my least favorite things. Never was there a minute I didn't miss him, and never was there a minute I wasn't busy thinking of him. Somehow everything—every thought, every action, every self-made distraction—led back to him. 

However, the first three weeks without Luke hadn't been nearly as horrible as I thought. We were making the best of our situation, and I had honestly come to love our late night and early morning phone calls. Whether Luke was calling me at four in the afternoon, nine o'clock at night, one in the morning, or seven in the morning, I was always there to excitedly answer the phone.

The first few days were the worst, just because we were only getting used to the changes that we had to make. We felt awkward on phone calls, couldn't think of anything to text about except for how much we missed one another, and we'd keep each other on the phone for as long as it took to fall asleep at night. Not having Luke to fall asleep next to had been the most difficult change; I craved his presence every night and it hurt knowing he couldn't grace me with it.

Luke's birthday is when I felt the guiltiest; I had barely even processed that his birthday would be happening so soon and that I wouldn't be there for it. I called him early in the morning, with Madalyn by my side, to very badly sing him a happy birthday. He appreciated it greatly, or at least that's what he told me.

It still wasn't an ideal situation—it never would be—but we were happy. Especially happy that we had continued to stay out of the media, even after our moments at the airport. Luke was sure someone had seen somehow, but all was silent in the world of Joke Cummings—that wasn't actually our ship name... but god, wouldn't that be unfortunate?

Admittedly, the first few days of him being gone sparked some talk about whether Luke Hemmings had finally given up on his mystery girl, but that died down fairly quickly. My Twitter mentions were constantly being flooded with questions about Luke, however, so I rarely found myself checking the app.

Aside from loving my new boyfriend from afar, and spending much more time on my phone, life continued on like normal. Classes would be starting next week, which I was excited about, and I'd be cutting my hours down at the office for a couple of months.

I had officially been hired on a talent contract, however, and my pay had gone up—which was good for a couple of different reasons. One of the reasons I appreciated it most was because today was the day Madalyn was moving out and that meant my bills just got a lot steeper.

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