"i want nothing to do with you"

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chapter twenty-two: i want nothing to do with you

chapter twenty-two: i want nothing to do with you

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TUESDAY EVENING. "So now I have to figure out my next steps," I concluded, after explaining the entirety of the possible situation with Vince to the crew and Kate, who were all sitting in my living room. None of them had uttered a single word the entire time I explained, only a sea of gasps had sounded when I told them that I suspected Vince to be responsible for writing the articles. They all stared at me with shocked faces. 

"I hate that this makes so much sense," Kate whispered, being the first one to speak.

"This is crazy," Jenna said next, her jaw clenching as I looked over at her. "The next time I see him, I swear I'll punch his lights out."

"Okay, Rocky," Danny began to try and calm Jenna, but it was clear he had something else to say. "We can't just beat him to a pulp, despite our desire to. What're you thinking, boss?" Danny looked up at me and I breathed in deeply before sitting on the floor, with my back against the media console that the TV was mounted above.

"I really don't know," I told him, biting my lip nervously as I brought my knees up to my chest. "I mean, I just want to confront him... but I can't do it alone."

"I wouldn't let you talk to that sicko alone ever," Howie stepped in, seeming more upset than I had expected him to be. "Why don't we all go with you? If he even tries to wiggle out of it, we'll be there to make sure he confesses."

"I appreciate that, but... is it stupid that part of me thinks this might all just be a misunderstanding? And that he has nothing to do with any of it?" I looked around the room full of faces, before landing on Madalyn. She looked a different kind of concerned than everyone else; I could tell our emotions were synced. "What do you think, Mads?"

"Well... I think we'd all hope and wish that it wasn't him, but Luke was smart to connect all the dots. Part of me doesn't want to believe he'd do that to you, just because I don't like thinking about anyone doing anything remotely awful to you... but I don't think you can go in with remorse. I think he's done it, Jo. Don't be ready to forgive him." I nodded at her words before leaning my head back, looking up at the ceiling.

"But you're not stupid for wanting to believe this could all just be a misunderstanding, Jo," Jenna chipped in, suddenly coming to my side and taking a seat beside me. "No one wants to immediately think the worst of someone they trust." I nodded my head slowly and smiled as she wrapped her arms around me. "I will seriously make sure that man can't have offspring," she whispered into my ear, causing me to laugh loudly.

"I'll see him in class tomorrow... I could do it then. I'll have Kate, and it'll be a public space. He can't do anything, you know?" Just as I had looked at the group for approval and suggestions, I heard a knock on my front door.

"Who's that?" Madalyn asked, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked over at me. "We're literally all here."

"I don't know," I told her, shaking my head. "It might just be Claus—or maybe it's Cam. Oh, god, it could be Gabe—" I suddenly remembered that I had yet to make plans with my younger brother and I secretly hoped it was him, even if it meant I'd have to cut the meeting short.

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