"better together"

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chapter fifty-eight: better together

chapter fifty-eight: better together

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(relatively) short chapter !!

THURSDAY NIGHT. "I feel like I'm having a proud mom moment... is that allowed?" My attention shifted toward Emma as she spoke and I let out a quiet laugh as I noticed her pulling out her phone. The guys were minutes away from leaving the dressing room to start the show. They were all laughing at Emma's words, as well. "Everyone squeeze in for a picture!" she demanded. The guys complied and got together for a picture. They, at first, acted as if they were entirely opposed and wore grimaces on their faces, but they eventually gave Emma what she actually wanted.

"Are you ready, mister?" I asked Luke as he ventured back over to me. He was looking extraordinarily hot in his blue silk shirt and all I could really think about was ripping it off of him. But I was trying my best to replace such thoughts; instead, I was trying to turn my desperation into pure excitement.

"Oh, yeah," he promised with a smug smile as he pulled me closer to him; his arms snaked around my waist and he placed a kiss on my nose. "You look hot."

"You're telling me that I look hot? Have you seen yourself?" I asked through a scoff. Luke's nose scrunched up as his cheeks began to crimson. "I cannot wait to see you out there." I reached around and gently squeezed Luke's ass, which caused him to jump. He immediately looked over his shoulder and inspected whether anyone had seen what I had done. I laughed at him for being nervous about such a thing and he joined in.

"You better scream loud enough for me to hear," he challenged, which I readily accepted. "Thank you for being here, Jos. I really cannot express how much it means to me that you surprised me. I love you."

"I love you," I echoed before stepping on my tiptoes and pecking his lips. Suddenly, the guys were being summoned to get to their places. I smiled widely as my stomach began to do flips; I was beyond excited to see Luke perform.

"No kissing any non-fan hotties," Luke reminded me. I snickered at his words and watched as he held out his pinky; I wrapped my pinky around his and promised that I would refrain from locking lips with anyone that was not Luke Hemmings.

"Go get 'em, Lu." After flashing me an excited smile, Luke crashed his lips into mine and kept them there for as long as he could before being pulled away along with the others. Emma and I were escorted out to a small, sectioned-off area of the pit.

"Holy shit, it's Josie and Emma!" We had been in the crowd for less than thirty seconds when I heard somebody yell about us being there; I looked at Emma and we both shared looks before laughing off our worries. We were about to have an amazing night and nothing was going to get in the way of that.

As we waited in the crowd for the show to begin, the intro to Babylon suddenly began to play and everyone in the arena started yelling as loud as they could. I got chills the second I realized just how many people were there to support them; being here, witnessing the massive amount of people that had shown up, really put things into perspective.

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