"going-away present"

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chapter sixty-three: going-away present

happy birthday to u guys <3 i'm BACK bitches

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happy birthday to u guys <3 i'm BACK bitches

SATURDAY MORNING. "God, that feels good," Luke moaned. A laugh left my lips but didn't stop my steady motions; I had been giving Luke a back massage for the last ten minutes after an unfortunate encounter between a doorframe and his shoulder. Let me take you through the last forty minutes of our lives.

After getting the bright idea to leave our dinner early, we rushed into the back of the car that Luke had called. Thanks to the lack of partition, we kept our hands to ourselves as best as possible for the twenty-minute drive. The second the driver had parked, there was no hesitation from either of us to leave the car and enter Luke's building. We made a run for the elevator only to find that we, for what felt like the first time in our time knowing each other, were not the only people waiting to get on. After a dreadful, longing-filled elevator ride, we civilly made our way to Luke's front door. As soon as the door was closed, Luke pushed me against the cold wood. We successfully participated in roughly two minutes of making out before Luke decided to bang his shoulder while trying to maneuver his way into the bedroom. The shoulder incident wouldn't have been half as bad if he hadn't been carrying me—in an attempt to not drop me on my ass, he lost his balance and caused us both to fall over. And, not so luckily, his back landed directly on top of the suitcase out of which he was currently living.

To say the very least, our moment had been put on pause.

"Are you going to make a full recovery?" I asked him as started to come to a stop.

"Thanks to you, I think I'll make it," he assured me. Careful not to put too much of my weight on him as I straddled his back, I leaned down and planted a kiss on his bare back seconds before rolling to the side of him. He carefully pushed himself up and got situated on his elbows as he looked at me. "Sorry to ruin the night."

"You couldn't possibly do such a thing," I told him before scootching closer to him and pecking his lips. "I'm sorry your apartment has it out for you."

"I think the old gal knows I have a plan to abandon her," he told me with a sly smirk on his face. I let out a quiet laugh and tried to hide the fact that butterflies were currently swarming my stomach. Luke lifted his hand up to my face and gently tucked a strand of stray hair behind my ear. Before a moment had passed, Luke tackled me and started to shower my face with kisses. I struggled to breathe through my giggles and, once he had exerted himself, he placed his head on my stomach and laid down; his arms hugged my waist and I smiled lovingly down at him. I could not get enough of him.

As we continued to lay there, I started to play with Luke's curls. My eyes closed in total contentment and I found myself becoming tired.

"Can we make a promise?" Luke asked tiredly which stirred me from my deep relaxation. I opened my eyes and looked at him; he had moved his head so that his chin was resting on my stomach. "I don't know what things will look like for the next couple of months, there's no way to know, but I think we should plan to have consistency."

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