"you can count on me"

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chapter twenty-three: you can count on me

chapter twenty-three: you can count on me

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WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. "Pick up, Luke." I pouted as I looked at my phone that I had propped up against the breadbox on my kitchen island. I was currently working on some school work while having coffee, and was hoping Luke finally had some free time to talk. I still had yet to tell him about everything that had happened with Vince the day before. 

"I'm in the shower," Luke answered his phone, his hair dripping wet—it was clear he had reached out for his phone, just to answer. "Give me a couple of minutes and I'll be out, okay?"

I agreed to call him in about ten minutes before ending the video call. I went back to typing up an assignment on my laptop, figuring I could get another paragraph finished before calling back.

I had gotten caught up in reading an article about media propaganda in the fifties when my phone pulled me from my trance; I suddenly realized it had been closer to fifteen minutes and Luke was calling.

"Did you forget about me?" he asked, sending me a pout as the video connected.

"I was reading something," I told him through a laugh as I looked over at my phone. "How was your shower?"

"You would've made it better, but..." I rolled my eyes playfully as Luke trailed off, his lips curling into a smile. He set me up somewhere and started to dry his hair with a towel, occasionally shaking his head. While part of me was distracted by his bare chest, his actions were even more distracting to me.

"I hate when you do that," I told him, even though he already knew I couldn't stand when whipped his head around like that. "You're gonna give yourself whiplash. And it doesn't even help."

"Of course it helps!" Luke argued, laughing as he continued to shake his head—mimicking a dog. "It makes my curls bouncier."

"I don't think that's a science," I said with a shake of my head. "I think you might be lying to yourself."

"Just leave me alone, would you?" I playfully rolled my eyes at Luke's words and smiled to myself as I looked back at my computer.

"What are you working on?" Luke asked, picking his phone up and sticking his face right in front of the camera.

"I just have a little research assignment due on Friday," I told him with a shrug. "We have one every week," I whined, not looking forward to the repetitive nature of the task that awaited me. "Are you free for the rest of the night?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm all yours," he told me with a smile as he pulled the phone away from his face, just a smidge. I watched as he fell backward onto the bed in his hotel room, and I bit my lip gently. "I know that look... what's up?" Luke asked, seeming concerned.

"Something big happened yesterday that I've been not so patiently waiting to tell you about," I told him, breathing in deeply as I prepared myself to relive everything that had gone down. "You know how I told you I was going to call everyone over so I could figure out the Vince thing?"

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