30. Lowkey

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I'm sitting in my bando with jay and his little female friends watching the news. Don't get me wrong I get along with 4 of them it's just the one. Fiona is a nice girl she doesn't seem fake plus she has a boyfriend herself. "Can't believe I've never met you in the years you and jay been together." Fiona said placing her hand on my knee. Touchy. "Yeah it's crazy." I looked over to the kitchen and saw bitch girl leaning in front of jay showing her boobs. "You and jay are too cute though your like the power couple." I giggled. "Stop it you, were really not." She nodded.

I couldn't be asked with this fake chat so I got up and left.

Bitch girl pov
Kai gets so angry when I'm around jay, I can see it in her ugly face. Me and jay have known eachother for 5 years she ain't coming between that. "Kai is so pissed that I'm here why is she like that?" I pouted and leaned in front of him. "Looool she don't like other females talking to me." He just chuckled. "Well she should let you talk to your friends and stop being so jealous." He then stopped laughing. "One thing fo'sho she ain't jealous, she ain't worried about nothing it's because I'm not giving her enough time which is true." Ughhhhhhhh.

Jays pov
I don't know what Leona is getting at but she seems to really hate Kai. I'm not leaving Kai for Leona if that's what she thinks. "Leona man leave it Kai hasn't done anything." She kissed her teeth and walked out the kitchen. I went to our bedroom to check on Kai. "Baby?" No response. I got in bed next to her and started kissing on her. I wrapped my arms round her waist. "Stop it I'm sure bitch girl wants you." I screwed at hearing that girl. "Swear? But I want you sooooo?" She then giggled. Her moods change from 0-100. I slipped my hands down her joggers and "played" with her. "Hmmm jay." I love it when her voice is like that. "YOU WANT SOME ILL GIVE IT TO YA." You've got no fans. She started laughing bare.

Then Leona comes in our room and starts moaning.

Okay so I'm having abit of time with my man and bitch girl comes in. "Jay I burned myself can you come and help me." I kissed my teeth loud and clearly. Jay removed his hands from in my joggers and got up to help her. They both exited the room and that's when I got up to pack my overnight bag. I'm staying at my mums. I ain't staying with all these girls. Nah fam.

I brought out my Victoria secret duffle bag and stuffed all the things I brought for Leah in the past 2 months. I know I haven't seen her for 2 months how bad am I. I changed into my Victoria secret onesie then picked up my iPhone and left the room. I walked past jay and friends to put my white timberlands on. "Where you going?" Jay asked whilst walking up to me. "Mums." I answered. He screwed up his face then looked back at Leona who was secretly grinning. "Stay baby." I shook my head and started walking backwards. "Fine." He smiled then opened his arms to hug me. I hugged him then he lifted me up and kissed the shit out of me whilst squeezing my bum. "Hm jay." I said on to his lips. I opened my eye and saw that bitch girl was in a mood.

Out. Of. Breath. "See ya." He kissed my forehead and I left. I got into my audi TT and sped off down the road.

"HI EVERYONE." I opened the front door with spare keys I had. Everyone was gathered in the kitchen eating. Giovanna, Natalia and Camila was in their separate group. "Kaiiiii!" Camila shouted. I ran down the hallway and hugged them all. "I've missed you all." I cried. "You've been a stranger." Giovanna said seriously. I looked up to her and she gave me a dirty look and walked off. What was that about she is 20 for god sake.

I ran upstairs to my old room and made myself at home. I ran back downstairs and said a proper hello to hmm and dad. "Hello, how's the bump?" She placed her hand on the bump and rubbed it. "All good." We fine boo. I walked into the living room to where Giovanna was chilling. I went over to her to see what her beef is. "What's your problem?" She screwed and ignored. "Huh bitch speak up." Lost for words now. She stood up and faced me. "Forgot about family yeah? Thought we were like sisters?" I kissed my teeth and shook my head. "Jealousy is a bitch, girl I'm with my man planing baby things I'm busy!" I got closer to her. "Whatever go home nobody wants you here." She's brave to me saying that to me. Watch I don't thump her big head in. "That's funny because your in my home BABES." She kissed her teeth and walked out the room. I laughed and sat back down.

I'm missing Kai man. I just want to hold her tight and tell her this pregnancy is going to be ok. I text her to see where she at.

"Pls come home."
"oh don't worry I am, your friends still there?"
"Yeah they're leave soon anyway."
"Alright b love."
"Love you."

Least she's coming home. I switched off the TV and told these girls to go home. First they were rebelling then they gave up and left. I quickly did a mini clean and hopped into bed. I heard the door open then shut quickly. "I fucking hate Giovanna!" She fumed. She came into the room and jumped into bed. "Baby calm down." She rolled her eyes and kissed her teeth. "Nah she was calling me selfish because I haven't seen them in time." There wasn't much I could say but comfort her.

Giovanna just accept she is pregnant and got herself to look after.
Leona moving sneeky, jay needs to watch out on that one.

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