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"Kai we have some good news!" Mum and dad came in the living room and sat beside me. "What?" I was in my element right now eating my shortbread. "We are going to be in Brazil for Christmas! Our flight leaves in 4 hours." OMGGGGGG YESSSS! I'm going to be spending it with my loved ones. "Yes I'll go and pack." I got up but mum stopped me. "We have spoke to Trisha and she said we can take jay along with us." Even better. Now my family in Brazil can meet him.

I ran upstairs and pulled my lv suitcase out. I folded all my summer clothes and placed them in the case. Next was my shoes. I brought out my sandals and sliders and put them in my bag. I packed some makeup and perfumes. I then changed into my grey converse tracksuit and my white nike sliders. We done.

Leah was already done, she was downstairs in the living room sitting in her favourite seat.
Now we was all waiting for the cab including jay in the living room. I was sat on jay's lap with him whispering stuff in my ear and me trying not to giggle. "This cab needs to hurry up." Mum moaned. Yes indeed. It's taking it's time. We need to get to Heathrow airport for our flight that leaves in 3 hours.

Couple of minutes later we heard the car horns. It must be the cab. Dad peeped behind the curtains. "Cab is here." Dad announced. We all picked up our suitcases and left.

6 hours later *Brazil.

We arrived in my country. It was early Christmas morning. We are now going to our house that we used to live in. Later our whole family will be round. This holiday was a last minute decision so hopefully everything turns out right. We got in a cab to our house. I fell asleep along with jay and Leah.

After an hour of sleep we arrived at our house. Yasssss I collected my suitcase out of the boot and made my way to my old room. Jay was following behind. I opened my suitcase and pulled out my nightie dress. The temperature was humid. Jay pulled off his jeans and top and got into bed. I slipped my nightie dress on and got into bed. "I'm so glad I'm spending Christmas with you." He kissed my cheek. "Same baby." We cuddled together and fell asleep.

I got out off bed and went in the shower quickly. After about a good 10 minutes showering i got out and creamed myself. I brushed my teeth then put on some sexy underwear. I walked back into my room to get some clothes from my suitcase. I pulled out another Santa dress but this one is more family appropriate.

"Merry Christmas my sexy wife." Damn jays voice was all croaky. I stood up and crawled on the bed. I climbed on top of him with my legs either side his waist. "Your going to get me in trouble." He bit his lip, I leaned down and kissed his lips. "Merry Christmas." I whispered in his ear. "Damn you trying to give me another present?" I giggled. "Maybe." Just in this moment my door burst open. It was my mum. "Sorry to intrude on your moment guys but it's breakfast." I nodded and she walked out. I got off jay and continued getting ready.

I was now done and so was jay. We both went downstairs to the kitchen. There was a huge buffet of fruit. Only fruit. When we are in Brazil we eat loads of fruit because it's good at maintaining our bodies and skin. I grabbed a bowl and helped myself to a portion of every single fruit, jay did the same. We then sat at the stalls eating in a comfortable silence. After we was done we went in the living room to dance to Christmas songs. "All I want for Christmas is youuuuuu babyyyyyy!" I sung to jay. He grabbed my waist and rocked me side to side. "I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need and I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree." I sung well strained. I let go off jay and grabbed Leah's hand. I twirled her round a couple of times and we danced together for a while.

Then the door rang. I ran to the door and opened it. It was my auntie Juliana and her husband Pedro and their 4 kids, Natalia -15,Camilla -13,Luiz -11 and Lucas -9. My cousins are all 2 years apart. Welllll my auntie was prepared. I let them in and hugged them all. "Look at you darling you are so beautiful and filled out in the right places." She slapped my bum. Lol awks. "Yes auntie I've missed you." I hugged her again. "Me too, anyway I have to go to the car and get the presents." I nodded and went in the kitchen with my cousins. They were all on my mums side.

"Who's that boy dancing with your dad?" Natalia asked. She was buff. She was wearing a Christmas dress like me but mine was slaying and her hair reached her bum. My family is actually buff and my boyfriend of course. "My boyfriend." I smirked. "He is hot, I need to come to london." I nodded. "Yes girl you do, I think my mum is trying to persuade auntie to move down." I hope she does because it will just be a madting. "Haha you have changed a lot." Obvsss the way I talk but what else. "You act prestiger,more flirty and talk different." I laughed. About more prestiger. "Lol jays obvss hitting it right." I slapped her arm. "Shut up." I giggled. I turned my attention to Camilla. "Hey pretty." She smiled. She gets shy but she soon warms up trust me. "There is an Xbox in the play room boys." They're the type of kids that get bored easily so why not direct them to the play room.

Jay came into the kitchen afterwards and hugged me from behind. "Yoo your dad got moves he is so calm." I giggled. "Yes he likes you." I'm so happy that my dad accepted I got a boyfriend. He didn't really like Thiago that much anyway. "Anyways this is Natalia, and this is Camilla." They all shook hands and said their hellos. We was all chilling in the kitchen until the door knocked. I went and opened it. Am I on duty or something? It was my uncle Jose with his wife Milena with my cousins, Giovanna -18 and Roberto-15. I let them in and hugged them. My uncle was carrying all the presents. Boiii they were all huge. We normally open the presents Boxing Day. Jay and Roberto got along straight away and went in the living room. Giovanna came in the kitchen with me. She squeezed my bum then slapped it. What is it with everyone and my bum. "Your bum is bigger than mine." I shook my head. "No it's not." She turned to Natalia. "Who's bum is bigger?" Natalia pointed to me. Wow it's not even that deep.

"I want to talk with you seriously later like a proper one to one about everything." I nodded. When I used to live down here me and her used to talk about everything. She was the first to know that I lost my virginity to Thiago when I was 14. She didn't approve of it but still stayed by me. The door knocked again. I opened the door, it was my dads side of the family now. I don't like them, they are all perverts. Not literally it's just how they are all so touchy and flirty to their own famiy. Even mum don't like it. It was my uncle Rodrigo and his buff wife Priscilla and their children, Miguel -17, Antonio -15 and Helena -4. Least now Leah has someone to play with. I didn't hug the boys but I hugged Helena and my uncle and auntie. "Where's my hug Kai?" Miguel chuckled. "Yeah and me." Antonio added. I gave Miguel a hug quickly. But it wasn't a quick ting with him. Omd he was squeezing my bum and now that my uncle walked away he thought he had full advantage. "Your so buff." He whispered in my ear. "Your my fucking cousin, your sick." He still had me in his hold. "So who cares?." HE IS SO SICKKKKKKK! "Leave me alone you creep." I pushed off him and went to the living room where my safe family was.

Today was good actually the best day ever apart from the fact Miguel and Antonio keep violating me. I want to tell someone but they won't believe me. Jay is the only option but he will just beat them up then my family will hate him. More family arrived but I don't really know them that well. Now it's time to open some presents. YESS.

We all sat in the living room and handed each other presents. Jay had bare actually because my mum and dad spoiled him last minute. Once everyone had there presents in a pile we all opened them. Jay was first. He got louboutin sneakers, the black ones with the studs. He also got a north face jacket and a stone island jacket and a couple of Gucci and lv goods. Next it was my turn to open presents. I got a Cartier love ring from my dad. Because he loves me❤️❤️ and also a pair of black office loafers and a couple of perfumes and little bits from my fav store miu miu. I can't be asked to say what my cousins got because that's long for man.

-sorry this part is out late! And also if you have any questions for Kai, inbox me them and I'll answer then in her ask Fm on the next part, thanks xx

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