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90. Why do you keep giving jay second chances?
Well technically I give him more than 2nd ones tbh, me and jay have a special bond that I've never had before and it's like we have a magnetic force bringing us back together.

91. How did you feel when you saw jay getting heads from Aaliyah?
Hurt, betrayed, angry, alone and many more I couldn't even believe that my friend would even have that in mind and I was shocked that jay allowed her to do it.

92. Describe how you feel when your with jay on a happy day.
omg when I'm with jay I still get butterflies like when I first met him, he makes me feel happy and makes me forget about bad times he treats me like a princess like when I was ill he left his mates and looked after me.

93. When are you and jay going to have kids?
Woah woah woah hunny not anytime soon that's fo sure but probs in the future when I've got my money up, my business and my life sorted.

94. Do you have trust issues?
I didn't but now I have, I've got hella issues I need to fix tbh but now that people have betrayed me, I don't believe them now or I get worried something is going to happen again.

95. What's your parents think of jay?
By the looks of it they like him a lot.

96. You in love with niggas now?
Yes I'm in love with the coco🍫🍫

97. You never used to be so hyped but ever since you met jay you think your prestige?
When i first came to Kingston I was quiet because I didn't know no one but yeah when I did meet jay he brought out my liveness and my personality but not in a prestige way. Do I intimidate you?

98. Do you truly love jay or is he just a get up?
I truly love jay. People don't get it, me and him have this special connection that we can't experience with other people, I feel comfortable with him as for him with me. And we are a get up on each other, we help each other grow an build to become and stronger person inside and out.

99. TRUE opinions on Larissa.
Larissa is a nice girl she seems down to earth and seems like she can help a sista out, she is real and says what she thinks. BUT sometimes she thinks whatever she says is right and doesn't listen to me when I have my opinion.

100. It ain't safe
For the block not even for the cops

101. What would you do if jay and Aaliyah develop feelings for each other?
Welllll I would dump his ass and let his develop more feelings for that skatty girl and then he will realise I'm actually the one and come back to me forever.

102. Does Leah like jay?
Dunno really because she gets annoyed when his round because I don't spend a lot of time with her but when he talks to her she answers politely.

103. What businesses do you want to have?
Multiple, but first a beauty salon then maybe progress on clothes and hotels and diners.

104. Do you talk to Mandem?

105. Aren't you pissed that jay kissed manisha? He has done a lot of damage always sending you to hospital rah.
Forever in hospital yana, yeah I'm still pissed but I've dealt with that and moved on.

105. Your parents are always out and Leah is never around.
Yes my parents are very busy people, they are very rarely in the house but it's cool and Leah is always round Mia and Kiera's house playing with their plastic doll.

106. Romaine?
He is alright just a bit touchy feely but it's calm as long as he don't try anything major.

107. Can we have a normal day in the life on Kai?
It's quite boring buhhh okay. I wake and bake. Joke I wake up then I go in the shower, get dressed, do makeup then go out probs with jay or girls.

108. Is it true that your pregnant?
Nah b

109. I love you and jay, you two are so sweet!
Aw thanks hunny

110. How many kids do you want?
Answered this already, I want a whole squad preferably more than 5.

111. Your one roasty girl, everyday you and jay are on it
How would you know? &&so what maybe I am but his bae so I can do whatever I like.

112. I love you gurl your so funny and I want to be like you, i want a bae like jay you too are so sweet all you need is babies
Aw I love you too, and don't be like me be like yourself be your own person and jay has his moments but yeah he is a good bae and don't worry babies are on the cards in a few years haha.

113. Sorry to ask this but I know you will answer. How many times do you can jay get down? Lol.
Lol erm awks but everyday hunny but I don't show and tell

114. Jay doesn't deserve you
What do you mean? I think he does deserve me for being a good bae

115. What's you and jays plan for the future?
Well when we are 18 we want to get an apartment in this area and then he wants to start a business in managing young artist and I want to have my own business and also I want kids at 18. Sorry not sorry.

116. Why do you always forgive jay even when he cheats?
I love him too much and he still has the mentality of a young boy he just needs to fix him and as his bae I need to guide him. I love him man.

-LOOOOL as you can see Kai gets a mixture of questions but she don't mind asking them, keep them coming! Much love xx

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