24. Lessons

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"What's good b?" I woke up to see Jermaine smoking out my window. "How are you still smoking?" I laughed. "I luhhh this shit." He said in an American voice. Haha. "Truuu and what's the motive today?" I asked. I can't stay in. Nah not me. "Beef ting between squad and the east side." I shook my head. Wait. "Is jay involved?" He nodded. "Jay didn't tell me." How can he be involved in serious beef and not tell me. "It's mad serious that's why, straps involved and ting, I didn't even tell Larissa." How stupid can they get. Why they involved in gang shit? When jay wakes up he is in deep shit. "Your all stupid and if that's how your going to carry on that we cant be friends." I'm being serious. I don't want to get shot. "Aye why you going to say that to man?" He looked hurt. "I'm being serious why would I want friends to be in beef tings everyday?" I bet jay is pretending to sleep now. "Truu we will get out one day."

"Jay do you purposely try and piss me off?" He looked confused. "Why didn't you tell me you was in beef shit?" He sighed and rubbed his head. "I didn't want you getting worried." He looked over to Jermaine but Jermaine said nothing. "I can't with you, all I get is stress." Shall I pull off the ring or nah? Stay by him? "What do you mean?" He walked closer to me. "Either quit the beef or I give you this ring back." He smiled and kissed me. "Your my wife." "Yes my gs!" Jermaine said. "How can you give me them options I'll pick being with you any day." The girls cooed.

"Princess I'm going round to milo's." I nodded. He kissed me on the forehead and left with Jermaine. Me, Rhianna and Larissa had no motive at all. "You and jay are so sweet." I nodded. I guess so. "But he gets on my nerves sometimes but I guess I have to be patient." Now an idea popped in my head. I'm the one to get it popping. I called up romaine. I know I know but this plan is good. "Kai you stranger." ... "Hey Romaine." ... "Whats good?" ... "Do you want to come mine now?" ... "Does jay permit this?" ... "He don't know yet." ... "Okay I'll be 10mins." ... "Alright see you inna bit."

"He is too fit." Rhianna said all dreamy. Loool. "Darling he will be yours." She grinned. "Omg let me wear one of your buff lipsy tracksuits." I love her. I hope he likes her. Because they do suit. "Course babes." She ran to my closet and pulled out my navy velour tracksuit. She quickly changed into it and did she her hair in a neat ponytail. It was a buff brazillian vixen weave down to her bum. "Aw babes look at chu letting cute." Larissa cooed. I heard my door bell ring. I ran downstairs and opened the door. "Hey." I hugged him and let him in. "Come upstairs." I ran upstairs and he followed. I went in my room and sat in my computer chair. He hugged the girls and sat on my bed. I put some bashment on and we all turned up. I opened my draw to see if I have any weed but there was none. "Romaine do you have any weed?" He nodded and dug in his pocket. He phanded me a bag and the girls one. "Thanks." I said whilst rolling it up. I see he has taken an eye to Rhianna which is good. She was whining on him and everything. Me and Larissa were whining on each other.

Rhianna pov
This tracksuit was nice and tight, it showed off all my assets especially my bum. Kai is such a good friend she didn't have to ring romaine for me specially as him and jay are not on good terms. She's my chick. Bashment is the best. I love it. I got up and started dancing. Romaine came up behind me and began controlling. I bent over and started moving my hips side to side at a face pace. "Your bad." I giggled at his comment. "Come let's talk mami." He grabbed my hand and led me too Leah's room. Luckily she wasn't in.

"So what's your name?" He asked. "Rhianna." He smirked and nodded. "Your a good dancer Rhianna." I blushed and looked down. "Thanks so are you." I didn't really know where we was going with this. "You seem mad cool maybe we could kick it one time?" I nodded. "That would be good." He smiled. We stared at each other for time. He then leaned forward and kissed me. My first kiss right deyaa. The kiss got hella intense, I couldn't stop it. I leaned back and he came on top off me. "Your mad sexy." He whispered. The bashment music was so loud I could barely hear him. He started kissing my neck and licking it I'm circular motions. "You on it?" He asked. I didn't even reply my body was responding for me. All I see is my man getting a condom out and placing it in. Wtfffffff I didn't even realise I was naked. And I'm in Leah's bed. Too late. It was too late. Because I was addicted. This was too much for me, I couldn't even bare the pain how can jay and Kai do this like everyday. He could tell I was in pain. "It's alright mami you got this." He kissed me then kept going. After awhile the pain went and it was just pleasure. The bashment music was still going. I started to whine even though it was a struggle. After about an hour we finished and just talked I was in so much pain it was unbelievable. "You alright babes?" I shook my head. "Nah I'm in pain." He chuckled. "It's natural next time we do it you won't feel pain I promise." I fake laughed.

We went back in Kai's room and she gave me an odd look. "I'm gone yeah bye you lot." He winked at Kai. "Yeah bye." She said to him but looking at me. He left the room and I went and sat on her bed. "What did you lot do then?" She asked. "Just chilled really." She nodded then left the room. She came back pissed. "Why is my sisters bed messed?" She said with slight agitation to her voice. "We erm we erm-" .. "BEAT." She said. I slowly nodded. She screwed up her face and shook her head. Larissa gasped. "In my sisters fucking bed, are you fucking serious?" She came up to me and grabbed my hair. "DID IT FEEL GOOD YEAH TO GET FUCKED IN MY 4 YEAR OLD SISTERS BED? TALK THEN." She shouted. Larissa tried holding her back. "I'm sorry I just got carried away." She kissed her teeth and walked away. I got a text from romaine.

"Good times lol." -romaine
"Thanks for just leaving."
"Soz b I had to go, come mine tomro."

"Raah your bad Rhianna, I knew you wanted a man but I didn't know you was going to take it that far." She shook her head. "I'm sorry guys, that wasn't even my intentions. I'm going to go and here's your tracksuit." Kai stepped back. "Keep the tracksuit and go." I turned around and left.

How can my own friend beat a boy in my sisters bed. Nah that's not right. I called romaine to have words with him. "Kai you alright babes?" ... "Don't babes me why the fuck you beating Rhianna in my fucking sisters bed?" ... "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention but your girl is hella good in bed uno, comes to think what are you like?" ... "Romaine are you being serious, so do you see yourself with Rhianna?" ... "Not really she's good to call up but uno I like you." ... "Boy I've for my jay, apart from this incident Rhianna is a nice girl get to know her." ... "Alright because you said so." ... "Good boy." ... "I still want to chill with you though." ... "Yeah course." ... "Good I'll talk to later b." .. "Okay bye." I put my phone down.

I feel sorry for Rhianna because he is only using her now. If she didn't portray herself like that then maybe he would of actually liked her. Such a stressful day man. My birthday is coming up in 10 days, 16 gang. Need to sort my life out. "Let's jealous our baes." Larissa said. Hahaha. Good idea. She stripped down to her underwear and I did the same. We laid on my bed and took selfies. I sent the pictures to jay. I'm evil. The perks of having a bae. "Take a picture of me." She posed on the bed in a proper sexual position. Omd. I snapped a picture of her and sent it to Jermaine.

"You is a problem, wait till I get yours."
"Solve me."
"Your bad."
"Your bad."
"I see Larissa doing the same then, teasing us yeah."
"Nah that's it wait till we get home."

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