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It's Christmas Eve bitches!
Normally we would of been in Brazil visiting our family but things change so today I'll be visiting jay and friends. I brought jay a pair of black balanciaga's and joop perfume. The blue box one. I want to dress sexy today, just because.

I went to my closet and pulled out this santa's little helper dress that came with white lace stockings. It was so sexy. I laid it on my bed and went in the shower. I washed my hair as well then put it in a messy bun. I got out and dried myself. I couldn't be asked to cream I'll just do that later. I put my red sexy underwear on. Why? Because it's Christmas Eve. I slipped on my santa's helper dress along with my stockings. It was quite short but it's only for jays eyes anyway. I took a selfie and sent it to jay. I did my make up afterwards. Eyebrows on fleek. Contour on fleek. I then took out my wild hair and blow dried it. Nothing special. Now I'm ready. Oh wait a jacket. I got my long white trench coat out and put that on.

I got jays presents out from under the bed and brought it downstairs. I went in the kitchen where both mum and dad was. Mum was sitting on my dads lap bare kissing him and ting. Raaah not here. I fake coughed and interrupted them. Lol. "Hey parents nice of you to pop in." They both chuckled. What was funny? "Where you off too?" I grinned. "Jays." Mum nodded. "You've been spending a lot of time with him." Dad said. I just nodded. "Is he your boyfriend?" Mums nosey ass popped in. "Yes mum, just admire this promise ring." She gasped. "Those who buy a girl a Cartier is their true love for life." Is she Shakespeare or something? "Well as long as he is treating you right then it's cool, I have no problems with him." Yes thank lord. "Okay well parents I'm off bye." I walked away before they could question me anymore.

Just before I left the house jay text back. "Get your sexy ass here asap!"
I just giggled then left.

* 12:18
I knocked on the door and waited a while. Bae answered the door and licked his lips. "Fuck." Was all he said. I walked in and he shut the door behind me. I walked straight upstairs and into his bedroom. No one was home which was good. Didn't want any of them to see me in my dress. I sat on the bed and took off my coat. Jay came in shortly after and shut the door.

"Damn you making me all nervous." Bless him. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "What do you think?" I stood up and did a twirl. "Beautiful, your making me all sweaty come." He pulled me onto his lap and started kissing my neck. He was bare touching me and stuff. "Jay wait I've got presents for you." He slowly stopped. I got up from his lap and fetched the presents. I handed him his trainers first. "Do I have to open them today." I nodded. "Yes you do." He nodded and proceeded in opening them. His jaw dropped when he saw the box saying Balanciaga. He opened the box and saw the trainer. "BAEEEEEEEE!" He picked me up and hugged me. We kissed for ages. "Love you." He said in his kiss. "Love you too." He smiled even more when I said love you back. "You mean it?" He whispered. "Yes baby." I kissed his forehead and slid down. Now for the other present. He opened that and he grinned. "My girl knows, now let me give you yours." He went in his wardrobe and pulled out 3 presents. And a card. That's what I forgot.

I opened the card first. This is what is read:
To my sexy beautiful girlfriend Kai, god blessed me with a goddess, I'm so glad that I've got a chance to meet you because without you I don't even know where I would be right now. Not only are you my lover but your also my bestfriend who keeps me on track and makes sure in going in the right direction. I hope one day we will grow and succeed together and watch over our grand children. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year! Love you always, Bae aka Jay XXXX.

I wiped away my tears because that was hella emotional. "Thanks so much baby." He hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. "Now open this one." He handed me a squarish shaped present. I opened it carefully as instructed and saw that it was a photo frame of me and jay at creams when we first met. Awwwwwwww. "Your so cute." Jay is defo bae. He then handed me another one. I opened it and it was Balanciaga. It was the exact pair I got him only women's. Wow this is so shocking that we got the same. "Love now we are matching!" I hugged him and tried them on. He put his on. Flexingggggg while my hands up. Then I opened the third present. It was a white sequinned dress from Givenchy. There was a note attached saying this is for a New Year's Eve party. "THANK YOU BABY THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!" I held up the dress and looked at how stunning it was. Perfect.

"I got another present." I gasped. Another one? This boy is mad. "How many presents man they were all beautiful." He laughed. "Oh this one is more beautiful." He looked down and I saw a massive bulge. Oh I know what he is talking about. I giggled and joined him in bed. "I." Kiss. "Love." Kiss. "You." Kiss. I just giggled because that's what I always do.

I woke up and tried to get out of jays bed. Then this pain came along causing me to lay back down. Lol. This terrible pain was stopping me from going home. lol. Jay then woke up after. I looked over at him and he smirked, he is too buff for me. "What's up beautiful?" Pain that's what's up. "I can't move." I told him. He got up out of bed, naked and started jerking. "My girl got the limp aye aye because of this d aye aye now she can't leave aye aye!" Looooooooooool is he alright. "Fine if it's like that." I rolled out off bed causing me to fall on the floor. Luckily he had carpet so it didn't really hurt. I managed to get up an limp to his wardrobe. I picked out a black nike T-shirt and some nike tracksuit bottoms. I put them on along with the black converse I came with and sat back down on the bed.

"I'm going now." I said getting, picking up my presents and dress He nodded and walked me downstairs. Once we got to the door he pulled me in and kissed me. "I wanna see you tomorrow." He said seriously. "Course papi." And with that I left. In pain.

I opened the front door and shut it slowly and quietly. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and put my presents on my bed. I quickly got changed in my silk nightie and went into Leah's room. She turned her head round and saw me then turned it back. Why is she so anti man, she's only 4. "Leah why don't you talk to me no more?" She then wiped her eyes. Then started crying. "You always leave me out for jay." She's right I've been neglecting her lately. "I'm SOO sorry Leah, I don't mean to but don't worry from now on you are my number one priority." I hugged her and she stopped crying. "Love you bubba." I hugged her again. "Love you too." YESSS sister love. "Boxing Day I'll take you shopping." I didn't get her anything apart from a frozen dress so I'll just treat her then. "Okay Kai." I nodded then left her room. I went downstairs to the living room. The Christmas tree was so pretty with all the lights round it. Our house was hella festive. I decided to go onto ask fm, it's been a long time.

64. Are you pregnant?
Hell to the no
65. There is a tape of you
66. Are you and jay an item?
Yes we are a item from ikea:')
67. Do you believe in god?
68. Have you been naughty or nice
69. Your pregnant?
wtf no
70. Lol jay don't like you
He put a ring on it soo
71. Your mum is a milf
Oh god
72. Merry Christmas!
Thanks you too x

Where is I'm pregnant and I've got a tape from. Hmmm

Now I'm conscious. I'm calling jay. "Bae." .. "Did you film us?" ... "Wtf no." .. "Why's people on ask saying there is a tape of me then?" ... "There talking doo doo because why would I want to do that?" .. "Why would you want to do that?" ... "Your actually believing them?" .. "I don't no because how do they know we have." ... "God knows you cool?" ... "Yeah I'm cool soz babe just felt conscious." ... "It's alright there just haters because they are jel." .."Okay love you."

I'm bored, I couldn't stop eating shortbreads.

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