🌙Chapter 14🌙 Nightmare's Pure Heart

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Right now, we're preparing ourselves to attack the Star group to get Horror's Pure Heart back. It took me a few minutes to finally stop crying for Horror. I sighed softly as I walked to my wardrobe and found my old crown. I stared at it with confusion for a few while.

How did that end up here?

I tried to remember, if I really brought my old crown here. No, I never brought my old crown here, the last time I saw my old crown was in Dreamtale. Near the tree of feelings. I sighed softly again and just ignored it. I took my jacket and wear it, then closing the wardrobe.

I walked out of my room and soon climbing downstairs to the main floor. I walked towards the front door of this castle and saw Error, Killer and Cross are there. Wait.. where is Dust? I stopped in front of them with a confused look.

"He's in Horror's bedroom." Error said.

"He's not coming?"

"We don't know. He didn't reply when we asked him.." Killer said.

I sighed and teleported inside Horror's room. Dust is there, on the edge of the bed, holding Horror's hand. But, Dust's hand that holds the other's hand are glowing purple. I walked towards him as he notices me and looked up at me.

"You're not gonna go with us?"

"...I don't know.. not sure.. part of me want to stay here and part of me wants to go with you.."

"Hm.. what are you doing here then if you don't come with us?"

"..I'll be using my life force to keep Horror here."


"...I just learned this magic a few days ago. In case something like this happened to him.."

"But.. you will.."

"No, Nightmare. The book simply doesn't say that I'll be dead."

I fell quiet for a little while. I looked at Horror, the parts of his body that was dusting a few minutes ago, was not dusting anymore. Dust's life force magic can keep him like he was alive for a few while.

I sighed,

"So you're not coming with us then?"

"Yeah, I guess.."

I smiled softly and holds Dust's hand. He looked at my hand that's on his hand and then looked up at me.

"Keep him alive as long as you can, Dust. We'll be returning soon with his Pure Heart."

Dust nodded slowly. I pats his head then walked away from him. I opened the door and went out of the room. I ran downstairs and went to the front door. I stopped in front of Error, Killer and Cross.

"Where's Dust?" Cross asked.

"He's not coming to keep Horror alive."

"...with that magic called Life Force magic? That magic's too risky for his life.." Error spoked,

"I know. That's why we have to hurry."


We finally arrived at the Star group's castle. We weren't expecting that Ink and his Star group were in front of the front door, waiting for us. They were expecting us to come to them. Ink was holding a tube, with Horror's Pure Heart of Terror inside it.

"Here comes the next Messiah of Darkness."

Ink said. I stayed quiet and just stared at him with disgust. I sighed softly after a few moments,

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