🌙Chapter 30🌙 Forgotten

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The wind blows softly tonight. Everyone in the castle was asleep. Nobody wake up at this such late hour. Nobody knows that the Star group was inside the wall. The went into the castle quietly. Once they were inside, the went to the second floor. They are planning something again.

They stood in front of one of the bedrooms on the second floor. The sign of the door was written 'Dust', means this is Dust's room. The leader of the Star group opened the door carefully, trying to not making any loud noise. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked.

They went inside and saw Dust were sleeping on his bed. One of the Star group member takes the sign on the door away and hides it somewhere else. The leader walked to Dust and was going to carefully picking him up. But when he touched Dust's hand, Dust immediately opened his eyes.

Dust was about to speak up so that the others would hear him. But then, Ink put his hand on his mouth so he couldn't scream out or asks for help. Light walked towards Dust and chanted him a spell so that he could fell back asleep. Dust tried his best to struggle and try not to fall asleep from the spell but it was no use.

Darkness soon consumed him as he fell unconscious. After making sure Dust deeply asleep, Ink picked him up and then all of them went out of the castle through the window. Light chanted another spell around the castle.

No one will know what just happened last night when they woke up in the morning.


I walked out of the castle. The villagers told me that half of the protective wall was broken beside the castle, so now, I want to check on it. The four of my friends followed me. Once we were there, the villagers were right. There's a big hole on the protective wall.

"What happened? How can the wall be broken?"

I asked.

"We don't know your majesty. We were walking around and found it broke."

One of the witnesses said. How? I remember that the wall could not be broken unless we wanted to. I looked around the wall that still stand. The protective slight invisible wall had colors of the six Pure Hearts though. Red color was the one that broke.

I sighed softly. Was it because Horror was dead so the part of the protective wall that was made by him broke? I looked at the three of my friends, Cross, Killer and Error. They are the only ones left that still alive. Dream doesn't have the Pure Heart Trait because he was not the part of our gang.

"Let's just use our Pure Heart to fix the wall, okay?"

They nodded at me. Error stood beside me, Cross stood on the other side of me and Killer stood beside Cross. We raise our hands up towards the hole on the wall as our Pure Hearts lights up and it's magic starts to close the hole. The wall slowly closing. A few minutes then, the wall was fixed. I sighed as I looked at Error, Cross and Killer. I looked at the two villagers.

"It's okay now. We have fixed it."

They nodded as they bow at me then walked away. I stood there for a few while. I don't know why but I feel kinda uneasy about something. Something I can't remember. Like, when I looked at Error, Cross and Killer, there's somebody missing. I thought it was Horror but no, it was somebody else.

We had one more person in my group but.. who? I hissed as I hold my head. Everytime I tried to remember, I always got a headache. Error walked towards me and asked,

"Are you okay, Nightmare?"

I looked at him and smiled,

"Yeah.. just a little headache. Let's go back to the castle."

Error nodded. The six of us walked inside the castle. Once we're inside, the others started to mind their own business. Error still with me because he had nothing better to do. We both went upstairs to the second floor. I was just walking around and Error was just following me the whole time.

Then, I stopped in front of a room. I looked at the door, it was opened. I walked inside the room and looks around the room. The window's also opened. I sighed softly as I moved my tentacle to close the window. Then, I closed the door after walking out.

"You seem down, Nighty."

I looked at Error as I nodded,

"I feel kind of restless.."

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"I did. But..."

I shook my head,

"Never mind."

I smiled softly, Error smiled back at me. I leaned on the door, my eye still on Error, staring at his beautiful figure. He'll be the King here too one day. Well, more like a Queen because when there's a King, there will be a Queen.

I'll be glad if Error's gonna be my Queen one day. And if I want to make that happen, I'll have to propose to him. I might or might not gonna propose to him sooner. I also happy that Error got his voice back. It calms me down when I heard his voice.

"I'm really glad you got your voice back."

"Ah, yeah. I can finally talk again. It's tiring when I brought that sketchbook and pen everywhere."

I chuckled,

"It's all thanks to Dream."

Error nodded,

"I'm glad that your brother is on our side."

"He's against the Star group because they only wants to get rid of us. And Dream doesn't want to lose me again."

"I know."

I stood up straight and went to Error as I hugged him tightly. Error looked so confused but he hugged me back. I just need some comfort since something is still bothering me today. And being in front of this bedroom makes me feel even more uneasy.

I let go of Error and sighed.

"Error.. don't you feel like.. we have one another important friend here?"

"Hm.. I do almost remembering something about this bedroom but.. I had a sudden headache when I tried to remember."

"Me too. It was like we're not allowed to remember them.."

"Yeah.. but I'm sure it was just us."

"Yes but if those Star group did something to us.."

"Hm.. considering the wall was broken last night, something must've happened."

"Yeah but.. it could be something else that broke the wall like.. one of the Pure Heart power was gone."

"So.. Horror's death have something to do with the wall that broke?"

"It can be since Horror's Pure Heart looses it's powers, right?"

"And the wall was also created by Horror on the red side.. yeah.."

I sighed softly. I really hope the Star group didn't come inside the wall and did something to our minds or something. But still, I have to remember something important.

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