🌙Chapter 2🌙 The First, Murder Dust

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I stepped inside the portal and finally, founding him in front of me. Curling up in front of a dead tree. Probably sleeping. Once I stepped inside, the feelings got stronger. Which makes me kinda.. wanting to cry?

I stared at him for a moment, which makes me reminds something of my old self. Curling up like that, in front of a tree. I shook my head as I walked to him, sitting down beside him.

He doesn't seem to notice me, though. That means he's really sleeping. I stared at him again for a while. Then I sighed as I pulled him to my shoulder, his head leaned on my shoulder. I pats him.

I opened his hood a bit and his eyes were closed. Yep, really asleep. I let go of his hood as my tentacle wraps around him as a blanket. But then he moved a bit as he groans softly, waking up slowly.

He looked up to me, his red and red-blue eyes looks at me tiredly. Trying to process everything. Then he moved away from me slowly, yawning softly. He looked at me once again after then.

"Who are you?.." he asked.

"Greetings. I'm Nightmare moon. I found you here, seems like you need someone to talk to." I replied.

He shook his head.

"I don't.. but, how do you find me here?" He asked again.

"Simple. I feel your negative feelings far away from my castle. So, I decided to see you and I found you sleeping, curling up like that." I replied.

He stared at me for a while then he avoids my gaze sighing softly.

"I'm Murder. Murder Dust." He said.

"Well, knife to meet you, Murder."

He chuckles, "yeah.. Knife to meet you too, Mr. Moon."

"Oh, nono. You don't have to call me with that. Just call me Nightmare."


I laid my back on the tree, sighing softly. I need to know more about this guy. I can tell he's also a villain. Well, from his name.

"So. Anything about you, boy?" I asked.

"Don't call me that.."

"Alright, sorry."

He looked at me.

"Well.. I'm just a Sans in this fucked up AU called, Dusttale."

"What was this AU about?"

He pulled his hood on again, "Where I kill everyone in this place.. even my own brother. In order to gain more Execution Points and Level Of Violence to stop the human here.

I waited for the human for.. I don't know how long, but they hasn't come yet." He finished.

I nodded as a response, "I see. Well, Murder. Can I ask you a serious question?" I said.

"You already are."

I stayed silent for a while then realizes what he meant by that as I laughs softly, he did too.

"Yeah, that's not the question. Well.. do you wanted to go out of this suffering?"

He looked at me, putting his head on his knees. "I always wanted to go out from here."

"Well, I can make you out of here."


"Yes. But in exchange, you must stay with me, obey me and do whatever I say."

"Why should I obey you?"

"Well, do you love killing?"


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