🌙Chapter 4🌙 The Third And The Fourth, Killer Knife and Cross X

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I sighed softly, sitting on the chair in my office. It has been a few days since Dust and Error lives here with me. So much has been happening all these days. Error, he was okay to be touched by me or Dust, under one condition, don't just suddenly touch him. Like, surprising him.

Last night, I get a vision again. The same one that I see. Bloods everywhere, but now it's very clear. The one that's beside me, alive, is Error. This vision really concerns me. What actually will happen? Will they really be dead but not me and Error?

All I need to do is keeping them safe and sound. I won't let this vision really happened in the future. Heck no, I don't want to lose them all.

One more question is in my head while remembering the vision, What's my and Error's relationship in the future? Since he is the only one's not dead. Or he is just immortal? I sighed as I tried to not think about that now. I still need to find three more of my friends.

I sat up, closing my journal book, putting it to the bookshelf. I walked to the door and went out of the office. I looked around the dark hallway, I wonder what could Error and Dust are doing right now. Could they be talking? Or minding their own businesses?

I walked away from the office as I walked through the hallways. Soon, hearing a TV noises from the living room. I walked to the living room as I found Error there, watching the TV, the Undernovela show. His favorite film.

In the other side of couch, Dust is there, also watching the film. I walked to the other couch and sat down there. Error looked at me, then back on the screen. And Dust was actually asleep.

But then, Dust jolted awake when his head almost fell down from his hand. He yawned and looked at me. I chuckled.

"Why don't you sleep in your bedroom?"

"Was going to.. but Error wanted me to watch this Undernovela thing with him.."

Error looked at Dust,

"I mean, if you're sleepy you could say no."

Error said, both me and Dust chuckled. Then, Error's eyes are back on the screen. My eyes stay on Error, and I was not noticing that Dust called me. I noticed he is calling me when Error looked at me.

"What is it, Dust?" I looked at him.

"Um.. well, Yesterday I met two guys.."


"Yeah.. and they said they wanted to join you, Night."

"Join me?... what is their name?"

"One is Killer Knife and one other is Cross X."

Once Dust mentions their name, a vision came to me. Two sanses were stabbed from the back. And then, my soul is glowing again. I shook my head as I looked at my soul, confusedly. I mean, I don't feel any intresting negative feeling but it just glow like I felt one. And then I realized, Killer and Cross, probably the other two of my friends.

And my soul.. recognize it.

"When you met them, bring them to me, okay, Dust?"

"Actually... they're right over there.."

Dust pointed his finger to the wide window up above the TV. And I saw two skeletons were looking at me. One has no pupil but his eyes letting out some black liquids. The other one has one white pupil and one red pupil and a red mark on his cheek. I quickly mentioned them to come in.

They teleported inside, standing in front of me.

"Hey! You're blocking me to watch the film!"

Error yelled, I chuckled as I stood up, mentioned them to follow me. I walked out of the living room, with them following me. We walked through the hallway and finally reaching my office. I looked at them before entering the office.

I walked to my desk and sat down on the chair. Meanwhile they stood there in front of the desk.

"So.. I heard you guys want to join me?"

They both nodded.

"Why? Any reasons?"

"Well.. you once passed by our place. And.. when you passed by, we don't know how but we both got the same vision."

The one with his eyes empty said. I still don't know which one is Killer and which one is Cross.


"Yes. A vision like.. me and Killer serves you with the other three Sanses. And then somehow, we both feels like we should go to you and ask you if we could join you."

So this one is Cross who is speaking.

"And then we met Dust, we told him to tell you that we wanted to join."

And this is Killer.

"Well.. when Dust mentions both of your names, I somehow got a vision too. And my soul was suddenly glowing. So I guess, we do have a bond, like the bond I have with Dust and Error."

I closed my eyes for a second, then look back at Killer and Cross.

"Well in that case, welcome, Cross, Killer."

Killer and Cross nodded, then Killer jumped happily, just like a small child.

"Oh by the way, what do you mean by 'our place'? Were you guys in a relationship or something?"

"Oh no! Cross and I are just roommates."

I nodded, "I see. Well, you guys won't be roommate in here. You will have your own rooms."

Again they both nodded. I snapped my fingers and then Dust appeared beside me. I looked up at him,

"Get them to their bedroom."


"Anywhere you want."

Dust nodded, soon walking out of the office with them. I sighed, smiling softly. I stood and took the journal book from the bookshelf. I sat back and opened up the book, started to write what happened today on a blank page of the book. And then when I finished, I started to think.

What if they also write their journey in this book? So that I could know more about them. I nodded to myself as I teleported to the living room, then sitting on the couch beside Error.

Error looked at me, I handed him the book and pen. Error took it, scanning it, soon enough he looked at me, with a questioning look.

"Write your journey there, E. So I could know more about you."

Error rolled his eyes and looked at the book, opening every pages as he read them fast.

"You wrote all of these? It's 15 pages already."

"Yeah. I was bored, so.."

Error chuckled as he finally reached the blank page as he starts to wrote his own story. I waited for him while watching what he wrotes. Soon enough he finished, giving the book and pen back to me.

"I will read it later."

I winked at him as I stood up and I swear I just saw Error blushed yellow when I winked at him. I'll ask that later. And then I went to Dust's bedroom, also giving the book to him as he started to write. Soon, I walked to Cross' room and then to Killer's room. And all of their journey were written here.

I walked out of Killer's bedroom, as I hugged the book. Like it was something important to me. Well, it is important to me. I walked to my bedroom after then, sitting on the bed and started to read all of their history.

Until I eventually fell asleep.

The Bad Guys' Special Connection || An Undertale AU fanfic || Villain SansesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora