🌙Chapter 5🌙 The Last, Horror Axe

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I woke up the next day, Not laid properly on the bed. Well, I was asleep when I was reading the other's journal so yeah. I sat up slowly, soon stretching my arms as I yawned. I looked around the room. The window's opened so the sunlight's getting inside from it, brightening up the room.

I get off the bed and stood up, again, stretching. I took the book and walked out of my bedroom, walking downstairs, straight to the office. Soon, entering the office, walking towards the bookshelf as I put back the book. I sighed softly.

I walked out of the office, going back upstairs to my bedroom to take a bath. Well, the bathroom is inside the bedroom. When I climbed up the stairs, Error passes by. I moved my hand to stop him. And he stopped, eyes on me.

"Error, today is your turn to make breakfast, lunch and dinner."


"Yes. You've seen the schedule, right?"


I sighed as I teleported a paper and handing it to Error. It's a schedule who will make all the food each day. Error took the paper and look for his name written there, and then he found it as he spoke up.

"Oh well, it says thursday. And it is thursday so.. okay."

I smiled softly at him. When he saw me smiling, again, he blushed yellow. Makes me really wonder why he is always like that when he's in front of me. I'll figure it out later. Error then walked downstairs quickly once he realizes that he's blushing. I watched him until he's out of sight.

Then I continue walking upstairs, straight towards my bedroom and soon entering inside.


We all had finished breakfast. Error only made pancakes for all of us, he said that's the only food he could bake, he has no other cooking experiences and I understand why. Everyone's already left the dinning room, except for Error and me. He already washed the dishes, and now, he is drinking a hot chocoa. While me, drinking a cup of cappuccino.

We both stayed in silence. Error wasn't facing me, his eyes are on his chocoa. But I could still see his face are blushing yellow, and again. It really makes me wonder, why he is always like that whenever he was near me?

I sighed silently,

"Your pancakes taste delicious. Where did you learn it?"

Error jolted when I spoke up.

"Uh.. Tv shows?.."

"You have Tv in your anti-void?"

"Well.. glitching tv. From my magic."

I nodded slowly. And we both back in silence again. Error sips his hot chocoa, I sips my cappuccino.

"So um... you're actually like this since you were born.. or?"

I looked up at him as I shook my head.

"No, something that makes me all goop and tentacles like this."

"What happened?"

"Well.. I will tell all of you when I'm ready."

Error nodded after then, back on his chocoa. I sighed softly, I'm really not ready to tell them about my past. About how weak and a crybaby I am. I'll have to gain their full trust towards me first before telling my story. Good thing, in the journal, I don't write anything about my past.

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