🌙Chapter 6🌙 The First Mission

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I was walking down the second floor hallway, going to Horror's bedroom. I just wanted to check on his condition, to see if he could walk. His legs was injured when we found him, he could barely walk. That damned Star Sanses really planned to kill him. Heroes? Bullshit. They are not heroes. Heroes wouldn't want to kill anyone or anything.

I sighed as I finally reached his room, soon opening it's door. I walked inside and I saw Dust was helping Horror to stand up. I smiled at both of them. Soon enough, Dust let go of Horror and Horror stood on his own. Horror jumped happily because he could stand up, soon he whined in pain. I shook my head for his childish act.

"Don't just jump like that, Horror.. your legs could only for walking for now.."

"Sorry, Dust.. hehe.."

I chuckled at them both. They really are best friends. But.. Horror seemed to blush everytime he's with Dust. Probably Horror has more feelings for Dust. But Dust didn't notice it.

"So.. you can walk, now?"

Horror nodded at me slowly, but when his eyes meet mine he.. looks scared. He slowly walks behind Dust and hide behind him. I tilted my head out of confusion, so does Dust. Horror hides more.

"Who is.. that, Dust?"

He forgot who saved him?

"That's Nightmare Moon, he's the one who saved you with Error, remember?"

"Oohh... he look scary.."

Dust chuckles, "He is but.. he's not as scary as he looks. Right, Nightmare?"

I shrugged and smiled.

"No need to be scared, Horror. Your name is Horror but why should you scared of me.."

"Dunno... good thing it's still noon.. if you came here at night, I would've freak out.."

I chuckles as I shook my head, "So.. your name is Horror, right? What's your full name?"

"It's.. Horror Axe.."

"Horror Axe. Okay."

I looked at his big hole on his head.

"So.. did Ink and the others hurts you until your head was like.."


Both Dust and Horror answered. Horror blushed when he noticed that Dust replied for him. I tilted my head.

"No? So what happened?"

"His Undyne did that."

"...ah, I see."

I sighed, "well, nothing can hurt you anymore if you stay here with us, Horror."

"I can stay here?"


"Is Dust staying here?"

"He's been here for a few days."

"Oh, uh- okay then.. if.. if Dust's staying, I'm staying too."

I nodded as I smiled at him. I looked at Dust as Dust just smiled at me slightly and asked,

"Is there anything you need, Night?"

"Ah, yes.. Dust, Let's go to my office, I have a mission for you."

"Oh? Okay. I'll be right back, Horror."

Horror nodded at Dust as he sat down on the bed. Dust and I walked out of the bedroom, going downstairs and walk through the hallways. Soon, reaching my office as I opened it's door. I walked in and walks straight to the chair. Dust stood in front of the desk, eyes on me.

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